As I lay in bed, going in circles with my thoughts of the guys and any feelings they may or may not have, a gust of wind swirls around my room. Papers fly off my desk and the glass of water I keep on my bedside table spills over right into my face. I bolt up right in my bed and scream.

Tali rushes through the door, her beautiful long black hair whipping around her round tan face.

“What on earth?”

Tali waves her hand through the air, but the wind doesn’t do anything. Purple sparks of magic are dancing around in the air and bouncing off the walls and window in the room. I’m freaking out! Weird stuff has been happening when I’m out with the guys, like strong gusts of wind and that vine that tripped me yesterday, but nothing likethishas happened to me before.

My heart is racing, and I stare wide eyed at Tali. She meets my gaze and her expression shifts through multiple emotions. She goes from confused to understanding, and back to confused.Then to worried before she settles on a soft, comforting expression. She walks over and sits beside me on the bed. Her arms wrap around my shoulders and she smooths my hair down on the back of my head.

“You have to calm down, Belle. That’s the only way to stop the wind.” Tali’s words are soft and gentle, and when I look into her eyes, I don’t see the same panic I feel.

“What’s going on, Tali? I don’t understand! I’m human, I’ve always been human.”

“Apparently not anymore. We’ll figure it all out, but for now, just take a few deep breaths and calm down. Just close your eyes and think of happy, calming things.”

Reluctantly, I closed my eyes. At first, my mind is jumping all over the place, trying to figure out what is going on and how this is possible. Then, I get to thinking about what it could mean for work. Will people still want to use my services if they know I have some kind of magic? That train of thought has my mind wondering about the project I’m working on for a publishing company and my heart rate slows down. I know it’s strange, but work is my happy place, the thing that calms me down.

The wind in the room slows down as I contemplate which cover models I’m going to use for the series and if all of them should have motorcycles on the covers. Eventually, the idea for the project is solid in my mind, and the wind in the room has completely stopped.

Tali continues to hold me and pet my hair. Her soft words drag my thoughts off of book covers and my eyes blink open.

“Good girl, Belle. You did wonderful. Want to talk about what happened to have your magic acting out like that?”

Do I want to talk about possibly being in love with four men, and how the thought of them not loving me back made some bizarre magic caused a wind storm in my room? No, no I don’t. But I know that Ineedto talk about it so Tali can tell me that I’m an idiot and help me figure out where this magic came from. Plus, Derek caught me leaving their house last night and told me that his date is tonight and he will pick me up at seven. I don’t have time to stew on it like I usually would, or I’ll be late for my date and no matter how he may or may not feel about me, I really wanted to go out with Derek.

“Well, for the last couple of weeks, when I go out with one or more of the guys, weird stuff has been happening. I didn’t really think much of it, but today, I was lying here, thinking about how I felt about the guys and some other stuff and all of a sudden, there’s a micro hurricane in my room!”

I throw my arms up in the air and wave them around to emphasize what the wind did to all my things. The cup on my nightstand is still tipped over, slowly dripping water onto the floor. Papers are laying all over my floor and the few cat posters I have hanging on the walls are all barely hanging on by one tacked corner. My room is an absolute mess, and just thinking about having to organize the papers back onto my desk is making me sweat a little.

Tali chuckles as she reaches up and snares my arms back down. She holds my hands between hers and squeezes them so that I look at her. She is smiling wide, her white teeth on display. It’s a sight I haven’t seen in a while, and even if I’m the butt of the joke, I’m glad to see a lighter side to my best friend. She has been entirely too sad for the last two weeks. It’s getting to the point that I’ve been considering an intervention, I just have to get Chloe and Lee in on it too, and neither of them have had the time lately for that kind of emotional conversation.

“Weeeellll, there certainly is a lot to unpack in that statement.” Tali giggles and nudges my side with her elbow. “Let’s start at the beginning and work this shit out.”

Tali pulls us both down so we are laying side by side, facing each other in the bed with our hands locked between us. We spend two hours laying there, talking about everything that has happened in the last few weeks and when we finally get done talking, I feel so much better about my magic, and I have a plan to address the guys and their feelings. I just hope I’m strong enough to actually go through with it.




My phone bleats out the adorable goat sound I set as my ringtone. I have an alarm set for six to stop working and get ready for my date with Derek, so I think about ignoring it so I can focus on this cover. The only people who have my number are my best witches and the guys, and what if it’s Derek trying to cancel tonight? I might as well look, and if it’s nothing, then I’ll ignore it. Besides, this cover isn’t cooperating like the other four did.

I glance down and see it is Derek texting me.

Derek:How much space do you have in your room?

Derek:Okay, I know that sounded creepy, but I’m trying to give you something, a surprise so don’t ask!

Derek:Damnit, that sounded mean. I’m not trying to be mean, Sweet Girl, I’m just nervous.

By the time I get done reading the messages Derek sent one after another, I’m laughing so hard, it’s hard to breathe. Derek is a gruff person, but on the phone, he seems downright hostile. I think that it’s cute how he tries to be sweet to me. Nick told me that he is hilarious when he gets to know a person, but over the years, all the negative comments and bad people experiences turned him into a grumpy shithead. Nick’s words not mine!

I don’t see my tinker that way though. Sure he can be grumpy sometimes, but mostly, he is just blunt. He is also really sweet and funny. They are all sweet, honestly, but something about the blunt way Derek talks makes me feel like he will always tell me the truth, even if it hurts my feelings. I also know that if something he saysdoeshurt my feelings, then he didn’t do it on purpose.

Not wanting to keep him waiting, I answer Derek’s texts.

Me:My room actually has a lot of space. It’s a pretty big room, and I don’t have much in it. What are you giving me?