“Thank you,” she murmurs.

I circle the car and step up next to her, startling at the sudden heat. Frowning, I glance up at Jack and he shakes his head. It’s like I’ve just stepped into a bubble of heat. Jack nods toward Belle, and I wonder if this is her magic trying to manifest. We’ll need to discuss this with the others. I know Jack doesn’t think she’s magicless like she believes, but I’ve never seen this kind of thing happen before.

Throwing my arm over her shoulders, I pull Belle into my side again as Jack releases her hand. The heat slowly dissipates as he leads us into the treeline. Luckily, the pond isn’t too far from the house and we’re there within ten minutes.

Jack shoots both of us a wink before kneeling beside the pond. It’s already frozen, but I can see his magic running through it and making it completely solid.

“Your magic is beautiful,” Belle says, eyes wide with awe.

“You can see my magic?” Jack asks as he pushes to his feet.

Belle nods. “I’ve always been able to see magic. Or at least I assume I’ve been able to. I wasn’t around it until two years ago... Is that not normal?”

“Don’t sound so worried, Precious.” I wrap both of my arms around her and hold her close. “I’ve only known one other person who could physically see magic, but it’s not unheard of. It’s just not common.”

“I’ve never thought you were magicless,” Jack tells her, “and this just confirms it.”

Belle pulls back enough so she can glance between the two of us. “Really? But I’ve never been able to do magic like Tali and Chloe. Obviously Laoise’s magic is different.”

Jack smiles, reaching over to tap the tip of her nose. “I’m going to look into it for you. With as old as the four of us are, we have a lot of contacts. We’ll see if we can’t get you some answers.”

“That’s... Thank you.” Tears glisten in her eyes, and this so isn’t how I saw the evening going.

“No tears, Belle. For tonight, let’s forget about your magic, okay?” Jack’s voice is soft. It’s not often I get to see him like this, but Belle brings out his protective nature, and I’m here for it.

Belle nods, her voice soft as speaks. “Okay.”

“Good. Let me see your feet so we can get you skate ready.”

I reluctantly release Belle, but hold onto her hips to keep her steady as Jack lifts one foot at a time, adding a blade of ice at the bottom of her boots. When it’s my turn, I keep one hand on Jack’s shoulder as he does the same for me.

“Well, the two of you enjoy your date.” Jack steps back, turning to head back to the house when Belle turns to me with a question in her eyes.

I smile, loving her big heart, before calling out to my love. “Jack, would you like to join us?”

He spins around, a smile lighting up his face. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

He runs down, smacking a kiss to my lips before doing the same to Belle. She looks gobsmacked as he rushes onto the ice, his skates forming as he moves. He begins gliding the moment he hits the ice.

I move to Belle, who still hasn’t moved. “You okay?”

She looks up at me, eyes dazed. “He just kissed me.”

“That he did. Is that okay?”

She nods slowly. “Yeah. I just...”

“It surprised you?”

“Yeah, that.” Belle laughs, reaching for my outstretched hand. “You won’t let me fall, will you?”

I laugh. “I’ll try, but it’s probably a good thing that Jack is here. He’ll keep you from getting a bruised bottom.”

Belle doesn’t look convinced but allows me to lead her to the ice. As soon as her skate hits the ice, she starts flailing. She manages to keep her hold on me, but her feet go in two different directions and she’s falling before I can even grasp what’s happening. What’s even worse is that she’s taking me down with her.

Belle screams, her free arm pinwheeling. Just when I think I might have lied to her, we both land in a pile of snow.