“I am.” Jack shrugs.

Chloe shakes her head. “Nothing wrong with that as long as you’re not an asshole to my girl. If I find out you were, I’ll be paying you a visit. I don’t care how old you are, or how powerful you are. I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her. Capisce?”

Jack inclines his head in understanding before focusing on Belle, the corner of his mouth turning up. “Belle, it’s nice to officially meet you.”

“You too. I’m really excited about our coffee date.” She turns to Chloe with an expectant look, though her smile never dims. “Did they pass your inspection? Can we grab a coffee now, please?”

Chloe nods. “Have a good date, Belle. Gentlemen.”

“That’s probably the first time we’ve been referred to as gentlemen,” I say with a snort.

Jack scoffs. “True enough.”

“I’ll get us drinks,” I offer. “Belle, what would you like?”

She ducks her head. “Oh, I can get my own drink.”

Jack reaches out to brush his fingers across her wrist. “We’re aware that you can, but let us take care of you? We haven’t had someone else to do things for in a very long time.”

She considers both of us for a moment before nodding and giving me her order. I shoot her one last smile before I move toward the counter. Honestly, I can’t seem to wipe the smile from my face. I’m so excited to be here with her—with my mate.

I take my place in line, glancing at the menu to see if I want to try something different from usual when someone scoffs behind me. I force myself to keep smiling, but ready myself for the words I know are about to follow.

“I can’t believe they let someone like him in here. They shouldn’t be allowed in our town at all. None of us wants to be around their evil. You’d think they’d know better and stay away,” a nasally female voice sounds out loud enough that her voice carries throughout the area.

The barista calls me over, and I choose to ignore her. There’s always someone hanging around, trying to bring others down. It’s fine. “Hi,” I chirp as the barista’s eyes slide between me and the woman who’d been standing behind me.

“Hi, what can I get for you?” he asks.

Before I can answer, her voice calls out again, “Vincent, you don’t have to help him if you don’t want to. I’m sure the owner wouldn’t want him here. You should just send him packing. Dirty dark elf that he is.”

My smile never falls away, even as her words hit exactly where she wants them to.

I don’t even bother to turn to look at her. That’ll only incite her more. Though ignoring her like I am right now is likely to do the same.

“And who are you to say who can be here and who can’t?”

I’m shocked to hear Belle’s voice as I finally turn around, finding Belle in the woman’s face.

“Out of everyone here, you’re the last person who should be talking, Susan.” Belle’s hands are on her hips as she stares down the woman whose name I now know to be Susan. “You act like being a harpy is any better. You and your friends are always circling everyone, trying to find out the gossip so you can spread it around town. You’re no better than a vulture.”

Susan just gapes at Belle, her mouth flopping open and closed.

“Excuse me,” the barista, who I guess is Vincent, says as he launches himself over the counter, barely missing me as I don’t move out of the way. I’m honestly too shocked at what’s going down in front of me.

“He’s a better person than you can ever hope to be,” Belle continues. “So maybe butt your nose out of business that isn’t yours?”

Vincent lays a hand on Belle’s shoulder, causing me to tense up at the familiarity. “Susan, I don’t know how many times we have to tell you this, but if you’re going to cause a scene, you’re the one who isn’t welcome here. And I can guarantee you that the owner of Serendripity wouldn’t stand for this kind of speciesism here. So until you can learn to stop being a bitch to make yourself feel better, you’re banned from Serendripity.”

“But... but... there’s not another coffee shop in Fort Veyelsa. Where am I supposed to get my coffee?”

“I guess at your house,” Vincent says with a shrug before turning to Belle, who has shrugged off his hand. “Why don’t you return to your table? I’ll help your friend get your drinks ordered.”

Belle glances back at me, and I’m a little sad to see her smile has been wiped away. I mouth a thank you to her and that has her smiling again. She nods at me and Vincent before moving back to the table where Jack stands, waiting for her.

Vincent claps his hands and waves Susan and the women with her out the door. “The whole staff will be informed of this incident, so don’t think you can come in when I’m not on shift.”

I can hear the women complaining before the door shuts behind them. Vincent claps his hands when he turns around. “Okay, that’s all the show you get. Go back to your drinks and conversations.” He shakes his head as he makes his way back to the counter. He nods his head at me before he jumps over the counter once more, the female working at the register next to him gives him a high five.