Chapter Two


“Thisisstupid,”Igrumble as Cy drops beside me on the couch. “What is the purpose of signing up for this stupid service?”

Cy leans over, kissing my cheek. “The purpose is that we all agreed to give finding our mates another try. It’s been half a millennia since we last tried, Jack.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t you think if we were going to find our mates that we would’ve done it already? We’ve been alive since the dawn of time. I don’t think we were meant to find them.”

“Or they just weren’t born yet,” Cy argues. “I promise this is the last time that I’ll ask you. Derek and Nick have already signed up. You’re the only holdout. Please, baby, for me?”

And how the hell am I supposed to say no to that? With a sigh, I submit the questionnaire before setting the laptop to the side. “Are you happy now?”

“Ecstatic. Thank you.”

He’s so lucky I love his ass—and that he convinced both Derek and Nick to sign up before asking me. My lover is far from stupid. He knows how to get me to do what he wants. I get why he wants to find our mates—or if we’re lucky, a mate for both of us. It’s something he’s always wanted and hoped we’d find, but I gave up hope a long time ago.

Cy—whose full name is Cypian because yes, he’s that old—has always been the most romantic of us. The two of us have been friends with Derek and Nick for so long we don’t even count the years any longer. The four of us are the first of our kind—well, I’m the only of my kind.

I don’t technically have a species, but everyone knows my name. Yes, I’m that Jack. Jack Frost at your service. I’m the one who brings forth winter and I’m generally known as a bad boy and an asshole. The part that no one seems to remember is that I’m Santa Claus’s oldest brother. Yes, that’s right. Santa and Krampus are my brothers. Not that either of them likes to admit it. I haven’t spoken to either of them in... probably close to a millennium.

Cy is a dark elf, which is another species that has a bad rep after a few tried to take over the Fae realm. Gotta love how people want to blame an entire species for the mistake of a few. It might also have something to do with the fact that they came about from the fae trying to harness demon magic. The worst part about Cy being labeled a bad guy is that he’s the most caring and happy guy I’ve ever met. It’s such bullshit the way he’s treated by other supes, but I do my best to protect him from the worst of it.

And then there’s Derek and Nick. Derek is the first pixie ever born, which came about when a fae and fairy decided to mate. And Nick is the first ever nightmare shifter. All four of us are viewed as the “bad guys” so we banded together and have been close ever since. I just wish the asshole supes would let up. The four of us live together, though Nick and Derek are at Derek’s shop right now.

“Now, we just have to wait,” Cy says softly, a smile lighting up his face. “I’m so excited about this. Apparently it’s run by Fate.”

I scoff. “Fate doesn’t exist.”

“Really? You want to talk about someone not existing?”

He’s got me there. There are so many people who believe I’m just a myth, a story made up for kids. So I have to give him that one. “Fine, you’re right. So Fate is going to find us our mates?”

“That’s what the site says.” He shrugs. “Is it bad that I really want it to be true?”

Before I can answer, my laptop pings. I lean over to grab it and find that I have a new match on Love -N- Shenanigans.

“That was fast,” Cy says just before his phone vibrates on the table.

Instead of opening the alert, I watch Cy as he picks up his phone. His eyes go wide as he shows me he also has a new match.

“Together?” he asks, that hopeful smile on his face.

Gods, I hope this works out the way he wants. I’d do anything to keep this man from being hurt. I never want to see his sparkle dimmed. I might be a grumpy asshole ninety-nine percent of the time, but I never want him to become as jaded as I have.

I nod, forcing a smile as I turn back to my laptop. “Together is the only way I ever want to do anything.”

“Who knew the idea of meeting your mate would make you mushy,” he says with a laugh.

I side eye him, which just makes him laugh harder before shaking my head, a real smile forming on my lips. Have I mentioned how much I love this man?

I click on the alert and wait for the profile to open. As soon as the picture loads, my mouth falls open. Belle Cassidy.

She’s adorable. Her bronzed brown hair falls over her shoulders in waves and she wears the most adorable smile on her mostly naked face. She wears an adorable dress that hugs her curves and stops high on her thick thighs. Now this is a woman—all curves and soft where she should be. She isn’t what beauty standards would call perfect, but for me? She’s exactly what I would’ve described as my perfect mate—at least physically. But I think she’ll be perfect for me in all ways. It’s just a feeling I have.

Turning to Cy, I find him smiling softly at his phone. “What’s the verdict?”

Cy jerks his head up, his eyes going to my screen, and his smile only grows. “We got matched with the same woman.”