I cut her off. “You don’t actually know it’s a curse. You just think it is, but I’m sorry, continue. Wait, can I also just say how much I love that you call them the exes?”

She snorts. “It’s what they are. Part of me thinks I should do it, but the other part really doesn’t want to be disappointed again, you know?”

“I’ll make a deal with you,” I say slowly, reaching for the card I meant to throw away but hadn’t yet. I really hope I don’t end up regretting this. “I’ll sign up if you do.”

“What?” Chloe’s shock is crystal clear and I can just imagine her face right now. “But you don’t date.”

I sigh. “No, I don’t, but I have decided I’m going to celebrate Christmas this year. I want to have a Christmas like I see in those movies I love.”

I wait for her to tell me how stupid that is, but she doesn’t.

“Then I think we should both sign up. You deserve everything you want, girlfriend.”

Tears fill my eyes, but I blink them away. “Well, I’m at my computer now. Let’s do it before we change our minds.”

She agrees, and I open the website. Staring at the questionnaire, I’m already regretting my life choices, but I force myself to keep going. If I don’t have someone to do all the Christmas things with, I know I won’t do it.

It’s time for me to take control of my life, and live the way I want.

I just really, really hope I don’t regret this.

I don’t want to get my hopes up. There’s always a chance that I won’t match with anyone. Plus, I’m not sure that I’m ready for something serious. For now, I just want to focus on making this a Christmas I can never forget.

What I do know is that I won’t let my past hold me back. I won’t let what happened with Daniel ruin my view on relationships. He’s an asshole who used me, and as much as I’d love to make him pay for what he did to me, it’s better that I just forget him.

That’s the only way I win against him and his mother—also known as my stepmother—is if I forget all about them and the harm they’ve done to me. I have to live my best life and find what makes me happy. I won’t allow them to control my life when they’re no longer in it.

This is a step in the right direction, and I’m also getting to support Chloe. None of my besties have had the best of life, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have everything we want now. It’s time we all get what we want—what we deserve.

“Okay, it’s done!” I tell her as I hit enter, smiling. Finally, I’m doing something that’s (mostly) just for me.

“Me, too.” Chloe sighs. “Thanks for this, babes.”

“Anything you need, anytime. That’s how this friendship works, Clo.”

Chloe laughs. “Okay, babes. Let me get off here. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

I get a message from one of my clients and quickly click on my messenger app so I can talk her down from a ledge. I have to ignore the alert that sounds until I have her calmed down, and when I click over, I find I’ve been matched with four men—FOUR.

How the hell did I match with four men?

I click on each of their profiles, shocked at how gorgeous each of these men is. I don’t understand how they’ve been matched with plain Jane me? It just doesn’t seem possible.





And they’re all messaging me at once. Don’t freak out, Belle. You’ve totally got this.

I totallydon’thave this.

But I’m going to do it, anyway.