Jack skates over, chuckling. “I take it you’ve never skated before?”

“No.” Belle huffs as she tries to get to her feet, falling again. “I didn’t think it would be this hard.”

“I guess it’s a good thing Cy invited me to join you. He’s not a strong skater either.” Jack helps me to my feet, and I manage to not fall on my ass again as he reaches down to help Belle to her feet.

Belle turns to me with a pout. “You’re not a good skater and you thought taking me skating was a good idea?”

I shrug sheepishly. “I knew you wanted to do it?”

“I really do.” A soft smile graces her lips. “But I’m glad Jack is here now.”

“Everything is always better when I’m here.” Jack smirks, twirling a hand in the air until snow is falling around us. “Now, let me teach you how to skate.”

It takes a bit for Belle to get the hang of it, but eventually she’s skating across the ice just as smoothly as Jack in a way that I’ll never be able to.

I’m pouting when Jack and Belle skate up to me, each of them taking one of my hands and leading me around the pond. I guess being a crappy skater has its advantages.

Chapter Nine


AftercrashingCypian’sdatethe night before, I decide that I should share my date night with him. I even invite the others, though they both decline. Not that Belle knows that Cypian is joining us—I figured I’d leave that as a surprise.

“Are you taking me to your house for your date too?” Belle asks, bashfulness tinging her voice.

Glancing over at her, I see her watching me from beneath her lashes. “That was the plan. Are you okay with that? Do you want to go out instead because I can make that happen.”

Belle’s smile lights up her face. “No, I don’t want that. I’m not big on crowds. I love that you all feel comfortable enough to take me to your house—that you make plans for us to go there without even thinking of taking me out.”

“We might have picked up that you were more comfortable in more intimate settings.” I shoot her a wink before turning my attention back to the road. “Though, I’m not sure if we’ve been consciously planning your dates to be at the house or if that’s just where we feel most comfortable. Or even a combination of the two.”

Belle hums but doesn’t say anything else.

I’m freaking out internally as I try to figure out if I need to fill the silence with chatter, which is not my strong suit, or if Belle doesn’t feel comfortable when it’s just the two of us. Am I ruining the date before it’s even begun? I don’t want to ruin this. She’s perfect for me—for us. She might not have set out looking for romance, but I know she’s interested in us. All four of us want to turn this into something more, and I won’t be the one to ruin it.

“What are you thinking about so hard over there, Jack?”

Glancing at her, I find her head tilted to the side as if I’m a puzzle she can’t figure out. Hell, maybe I am.

“I’m afraid I’m ruining this date,” I blurt out, eyes growing wide. I had not meant to say that. Now she’s going to think I’m some kind of loser. I just can’t do anything right today.

Belle’s hand finds mine, and she intertwines our fingers before speaking. “I’m not sure why you think you’re ruining anything, but I can assure you that you’re not. I can’t believe thatI’mabout to say this instead of having someone say it to me, but you need to get out of your head. Sometimes our minds like to tell us the worst case scenarios and make us believe that everything is falling apart around us when everything is perfect.”

I take a deep breath, nodding as I squeeze her hand. She’s right. I’m overthinking this for no other reason than I’m nervous as hell.

Luckily, we pull up to the house shortly after, and I jump out to race around to the passenger side. I open her door as her giggles fill the air. Extending my hand to her with a flourish, she lets me help her from the car.

“Oh!” Belle cries out as her feet hit the ground, something throwing her off balance and into me. Because I’m not expecting it, both of us end up taking a tumble to the ground.

I let out an oof when my back slams into the ground but make sure I cushion Belle’s landing. Snow slips beneath my shirt, sending a shiver down my spine. Not that I think it’s cold—not when I’m made of everything that is winter—but it was a surprise.

“Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry, Jack. I don’t understand why I’ve been so clumsy lately. Are you okay?”

I grin up at her as her hands trail over the parts of my body she can reach, obviously checking to see if I have any injuries. “Well, I do have something that’s causing me a bit of pain. I think it’s definitely something you can help with.”

“What? Where?” Belle’s eyes are wide as she scrambles to sit her up until she’s straddling me.

Groaning, I tilt my hips, allowing my hard cock to slide against her center. Belle’s eyes are wide, her mouth forming an O shape as a whine falls from her lips.