Chapter One
Myphonebleats,scaringthe shit out of me. And when I say bleats, I do mean like a sheep. They’re cute and adorable, and they make a great alert tone—I don’t care what anyone else says.
I lift a hand to my chest, willing my pounding heart to calm down while reaching for the phone with my other hand. I’ve been working on a book cover for one of my clients and I got a little lost in it.
Glancing at the time, I realize I’ve been at it for almost two hours. It’s not done yet, but it looks amazing if I do say so myself. But I definitely need a break from it so I guess the text was a good thing.
My phone vibrates a few more times in my hand, telling me without looking that it’s my besties chat. Unlocking the phone I swipe away the million social media notifications until I find the one for our chat.
Laoise:911 Witches!!! I’m on my way to Serendripity now. Meet me when you get off work!
Laoise: But quickly.
Tali: You suck.
Chloe: I swear, if I leave work, and this isn’t an emergency, I’m going to kill you.
Me:Sorry, I was working on a cover. Let me run to the bathroom and I’m on my way. Love you!
I drop my phone back onto my desk and quickly take care of business in the bathroom before getting dressed. Working from home means I wear my pajamas ninety-five percent of the time. I’m thankful I was able to find something that I’m good at and can actually make a living off of.
Let’s just say the first twenty-one years of my life didn’t allow me to learn much about the world outside of the cult I’d been raised in. Not wanting to dwell on that right now, I shake my head and grab my phone, tossing it into my purse.
I shoot my clients a message, letting them know I’m going to be unavailable for the next hour or two before putting my computer to sleep. Then I’m heading out the door.
I’ve been working for indie authors for the last two years. First as a PA and editor, and then I’d added cover design onto my roster. I’m lucky to be high in demand considering most indies and those that work with them are struggling right now.
I’m grateful that I don’t live too far from our favorite coffee shop since I have no idea how to drive. Tali and Chloe have both tried to teach me, but I’m terrified every time I get behind the wheel of a car. Laoise doesn’t drive either, so I don’t feel too bad.
“Hey, Belle,” Chloe calls and I jerk my head up. Once again, I’d been staring at my feet and paying no attention to where I’m going. I’ve been working on that for the last two years, but I’m finding it a hard habit to break. When I lift my head, I find both Tali and Chloe standing just outside the door to Serendripity.
I sigh, knowing they waited for me so I don’t have to walk in alone. It’s something I both love and hate. Saying I’m socially awkward and anxious is putting things lightly. I’m slowly learning to do things myself and trying to come out of my shell, but it’s hard. And walking into some place all by myself? That also terrifies me. Sometimes I wish I could just get over it.
I force a smile as Chloe throws the door open. “Hey, girls. Thanks for waiting for me.”
“As soon as you’re ready to do it on your own, you just let us know,” Tali reassures me, as always. I don’t know where the hell I’d be without her in my life. Escaping from the hell I’d been living in wouldn’t have been possible without her. And I honestly don’t know what I’d do without my three besties now that I’m free and safe.
The three of us walk into Serendripity, eyes peeled for Laoise.
“There she is!” Chloe calls loudly, drawing practically everyone’s attention to us. I want to run away or hide behind my friends, but I just straighten my shoulders and keep on smiling.
A smile lights up Laoise’s face as her eyes land on us. “Oh, finally. I thought I was going to have to be the pathetic girl sitting here all by myself, surrounded by empty chairs.”
Chloe is the first to drop into her usual seat, rolling her eyes at Laoise’s antics. “Shut up, Laoise. No one would ever think you’re pathetic.”
And she’s not wrong. All of my besties are gorgeous in their own ways, but Laoise? She’s breathtaking. She’s the only unicorn fae I’ve ever met, so I don’t know if it’s just because of her species, but she’s literally the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.
I shoot her a smile as I fall, rather ungracefully, into my seat and lift the waiting coffee to my lips. Mmmmm, that’s good.
“Do you want to explain why we had to have an emergency meeting?” Tali asks, obviously being a little impatient. “Some of us have actual jobs we have to be at, you know.”
Ouch. Jeez, Tali. I’m not sure what has her in a mood, but I won’t mention it. Like me, Laoise has a nontraditional job.
Laoise just waves her hand in dismissal. “I told you to come when you were done. I’d rather have to work than deal with my family any day—even with the money that comes along with it.”
“Oh, no. What did they do now?” I gasp, leaning forward in my chair. I’ve never met Laoise’s family and I never want to. They’re real elitist assholes, reminding me too much of my father and stepmother.