Page 3 of Chosen Omega

“What did they say?”

I can tell by the look in her eyes that it was worse than I’d originally thought. Her honey and earth scent sours and I’m almost distracted enough to wonder how I know it's her and why I can detect the difference. I also know that Dr. Lycan smells like roses and wintergreen gum, but the rose isn’t his natural scent. It also makes me feel a strange mix of safety and unease. Like I should be worried about something because of the roses, but also like I can trust him to keep me safe because of the wintergreen. It’s very strange and disorienting, but Abigail's voice draws me back to the conversation at hand.

“They were naturally very upset. I offered to allow them to come see you, but they refused, they said, and I’m very sorry to have to quote this to you, ‘Our daughter died in the woods that night. That beast isn’t anything to us now.’” She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry Rebecca. I wish I had better news for you.”

Abigail really does seem sorry to have to tell me that my parents are that awful. I try to tell myself that I didn’t expect anything else, but the lie is obvious, even in my own mind. I’d always thought their indifference towards me was made up, or that it was all in my head and I was seeing things that weren't there. Now I know for sure that when my mother said they never wanted me and I was an accident, she truly meant it.

I can’t lie, the words cut deep, they hurt worse than the attack, but it's nothing less than what I expected from them. Both of my parents are great people to others. They’d give the shirts off their backs if someone needed it. However, they are very prejudiced about the Shifter community and make it no secret that they think the wolves should all be killed or exiled away from humans. Their response to what happened to me doesn’t come as a surprise and it isn’t anyone's fault but their own. I’m ashamed to say that I was raised by such bigoted, backwards people. I can’t choose who I came from, but I can choose to be different then they were. I can choose whether or not I accept them as family. And after this, I will never accept them again.

“Thank you for letting them know, Miss Wolfsbane.” I smile at Abigail and I can tell that it’s weak and not very believable, but it’s the best I have to give right now. “I’m not all that shocked at their response, but I’d hoped it’d be different knowing it was their daughter and the circumstances surrounding the change. So, what happens now?” My gaze flickers between Abigail’s shocked yet awed expression and Dr. Lycan’s gentle gaze. I’m not sure who I should be addressing, but I do know that I’m no longer as tired as I was before this talk. I’m ready to move forward and start my new unexpected life. Hopefully this one turns out better than my human one.

“You’re taking this all very well, Rebecca. Please know that if at any time you have questions or you don’t understand something, you can ask us. No question is too small or dumb. This is an entirely new life and culture than the one you've previously lived.” Dr. Lycan catches my full attention once again. There is something about him that makes me think he is used to being in charge and taking over. It seems he is ready to move the conversation along again.

Abigail looks a bit relieved that he is, as she seems to be having trouble keeping her emotions in check. I don’t want her to be upset about my parents. Their choices are their own and I’ve grown very used to living my life without their input. From the time I turned sixteen, they basically left me to my own devices. Now, here I am, talking with two wolves and feeling more comforted by the nice, bossy doctor than I ever did by them. I hope that I’ll be able to tell Abigail about how cold my parents have always been, if for no other reason than to absolve her of the guilt, hurt, and confusion I can read in her eyes now.

“So, now, you’re going to stay one more night for observation. I’m sure by now you’ve noticed that you are healed and only a little soreness is lingering from the attack. That should be gone by morning thanks to your new healing capabilities as a shifter.” He smiles gently at me, obviously trying to give me the information without overwhelming me. Usually, I’m not this emotional, but a lot has happened in such a short time that I’m having trouble putting my feelings aside and focusing on the here and now. “Once released, Miss Wolfsbane will take you to her home and teach you about the new world you live in. You’ll stay with her for a few weeks while you get settled and then she’ll find a good family willing to take you into their home until you manifest and get on your own feet.”

Abigail pats my hand and draws my attention back to her. My mind is racing, thinking about everything moving so fast and changing so quickly. It’s all very overwhelming, but I’m sure I’ll handle it. I have to, because giving up isn’t an option. There is always a choice and life is only ever as good or bad as you allow it to be. Sure, what happened to me sucked. But if I dwell on the bad parts, then I’ll always be stuck as a bitter person and I refuse to live my life that way.

“The only thing you need to do right now is get some sleep. I’ll get you some clothes to wear out of here and a new phone.” She is much calmer and more chipper now, and I’m glad to see she didn’t let my parents' bad reaction get her down for long. “Tomorrow, we will worry about what’s next. If you’d like, I’ll sit here with you until you go to sleep. Then I’ll only leave long enough to get the supplies you need. Dr. Lycan has already arranged to have a cot moved in here so I can stay with you and be available for anything you need. We’re family now, Rebecca. So don’t worry about anything. I’ve got you.”

Her words are so genuine and kind. I haven’t cried once. Not when I told them what happened, not when I learned how my life has changed, not even hearing my parents’ harsh words. Yet when she says we are family, I can’t stop the tears from falling. Even as a human, I never felt part of a family. My best friend only ever used me for the status of having a ‘pretty friend’. She’d drag me to parties and out on double dates so she could reap the benefits of people wanting me around. My boyfriend clearly didn’t want to be with me. He cheated on me every chance he got, but he wanted the status of being with ‘recluse Rebecca’, so he kept me on his arm like a trophy and slept around with any girl that would give him the time of day. My parents and I disagreed on so much; they were so different from me. So distant and cruel that I wondered why they ever even kept me as a baby. They never seemed to want me, and I couldn’t wrap my mind around what drove them to care for me. We didn’t even look alike. Both of my parents are blonde haired blue eyed, perfect southern beauties. My bright red hair and freckles were inherited from a great, great grandmother, not my parents and they made sure to remind me that my looks ruined their picture perfect family all the time.

Now a woman I’d barely met is saying we are family. She is showing genuine care and offering guidance through one of the most difficult transitions of my life. She sat by my side and held my hand. She let me know that she isn’t going anywhere and that I can call on her if I need her. That is more than anyone in my whole life has ever offered me and I don’t know how to handle it. So instead of saying anything, I cry. She climbs in the bed beside me and wraps her arms around me, holding me to her chest and rocking gently. That makes me cry even harder, tears cascading down my face so fast the room around me blurs. I’ve never felt so comforted and safe. So cared for or like someone has my best interest in mind.

I feel when Dr. Lycan leaves us, the weight on the beds shifts as he pats my arm one more time and mumbles some words I can’t hear. Then his wintergreen and rose scent is gone and all I can smell is honey and earth. Abigail smells like comfort and understanding. Like a mother should. She is treating me like I always wished my mom would, yet also so differently than I ever could have dreamed someone would. Abigail holds me as I cry myself to sleep. The blurry world slowly fades around me and sweet oblivion takes my tears and this awful day away.

I give myself tonight to cry, just one moment to let all the fear, pain, and disappointment of these last two weeks wash away. This is all I’ll get, because come tomorrow, I’ll be stronger, I’ll be ready for anything. Tomorrow, I’ll begin my new journey. I’ll forget about my human life and learn how to be a Chosen. I’ll move forward like I always have, and maybe I’ll discover the person I was always meant to be along the way. Because, now that new opportunities are opening for me, I know that nothing I could have done before was what I was truly meant to do. I was destined to become a wolf, and I’m determined to be the best one I can.

Chapter Four

New Beginings

Thesunshiningonmy face pulls me from one of the most relaxing sleeps I’ve ever had. The smell of honey and coffee swirl around me and even with my eyes closed I can’t help but sigh. I can’t remember a time that I’ve ever felt so comforted before …

The events of last night and the night of the party come rushing back to me. Henry and Sam, the attack, waking up to Dr. Lycan, being told I’m a Chosen now, Abigail and what my parents said. All of the thoughts and feelings I tried to suppress come back full force, causing me to sit straight up in the bed. A gasp from beside me has my head swiveling in that direction, shoulders tight and fist balled, ready to defend myself if needed. I should have known I didn’t need to be worried. Abigail is standing beside my bed, dressed more casually than before in dark washed denim skinny jeans, a cute lavender shirt and white ballerina flats. Her hair is up in a high pony with a lavender bow so big I’m sure cheerleaders everywhere are weeping in envy. She is just as stunning in the sunlight as she was in the dim lights of the room last night. Now she looks younger than what I assumed she was the first time I saw her. Still, no matter how old she is, she is still here. She is also holding a cup holder with two steaming cups in one hand, a cell phone with a blue case in her other hand, and there’s a duffle bag resting on the chair in front of her.

“My Goddess, you scared me. I didn’t realize you were up yet. How are you feeling this morning, dear?” Her gentle smile goes a long way to settling my nerves even more.

Raising the head of my bed, I relax my shoulders and smile up at her. Her sweet hazel eyes seem too big for her face. I swear, if her hair was shorter, she could easily be mistaken for Snow White. She is like a real life Disney Princess sent to save me from the fucked up hand life dealt me. Even if she can’t save me, having her here makes it all so much better.

“Good morning, Miss Wolfsbane.”

“Oh please! Call me Abby. I have a feeling we’re going to be very good friends.” Her sweet friendly smile morphs into a mischievous smirk that makes me like her even more.

“Abby.” I nod in acknowledgement. “I’m feeling much better this morning than I did last night. I have so many questions, but I’m excited to start my new life.” I smile at her once more and I can see the battle between sympathy and excitement warring in her gaze. Eventually though, the excitement wins.

She walks closer to the bed and hands me the cup holder of coffees, where that amazing scent was coming from. I have a serious addiction to this bitter bean water; it gets even worse when there is tons of cream and sugar added in. Starbucks has more of my money than the human government, I can almost guarantee it! Looks like Abby is another fan of the franchise because she got two identical drinks that smell like coffee and look like milk. She waves her hand over the drinks smiling as she turns around to get the duffle bag.

“Take your pick, Love. They are the same and if you don’t like it I can have someone bring you something else. I have your phone,” she places the bag on my bed and hands me the iPhone 13 in the sky blue case that matches my eyes perfectly. “It’s brand new and I already have my number saved in there. I do have your old phone, so if you want any numbers off of it, you can get them. I also have your wallet and your parents packed up all your stuff from their house and sent it to my home.”

My heart lurches at the mention of my parents, well George and Kathleen. Since I’m not their child anymore, I don’t feel obligated to call them my parents. I don’t really care about anything from my old life except my sketch pads. Even those can be replaced, though I would die a little inside if my drawings were destroyed. I’m ready to move forward. I can forget my human life and start fresh as a wolf. As soon as I know what it means to be a wolf, of course.

“I don’t need anything off the old phone, and I’ll probably throw everything George and Kathy sent in the trash. I want to start new, forget about where I came from and who I was before because I’m no longer her. Did Dr. Lycan mention when I can get out of here? I need a shower, bad.” The two of us chuckle and a deep rumbling laugh comes from the door.

Looking in the doorway, I see Dr. Lycan dressed in jeans and a tee shirt standing next to a man that smells a bit like him but different. They both have the rose scent on them, but the new man smells like cedar trees in the woods by the beach, not anything like Dr. Lycan’s wintergreen. Dr. Lycan and this new doctor, judging by the long white coat he is wearing and his keen observation of the monitors behind me, are both smiling as they walk into the room.

“Rebecca, I’m so glad to see you awake, dear. This is my pack mate, James. He is Dr. Lycan as well and he is here to do one final check before you are discharged. I wanted to come along so that you saw a familiar face this morning.”