Islept with my bodyguard.
My dominant, powerful protector.
My producer, Gene, stares at me like I’ve grown two heads.I am thoroughly distracted by the hulk of a man who’s king-cock was inside me last night.
But it wasn’t even the earth-shattering orgasms that I can’t stop thinking about.It was his dominance over me and relinquishing my power to him.I felt liberated, unburdened from the constant decision-making that fills my day.But more than that, for the first time, I felt truly safe.
Safe with him.
Safe during sex.
It’s a word I haven’t used since my abduction.And since then, I haven’t remotely been interested in intimacy with anyone else.The thought of a stranger violating me like that had me curling into a ball and removing sex from my repertoire altogether.
But now, just when I’ve tasted what a dominant relationship could be like, it’s come to a grinding halt.All because I had to stop Kingsley from quitting on me.
I sing a note, but it comes out forced and a bit pitchy.I motion to stop, and at the same time, I see my producer, Gene, look up at me, a bit flustered.
“Yeah, let’s break,” I say, vocalizing what everyone else is too hesitant to mention.
“Lunch?”Lexy offers optimistically as I look between her and Gene through the glass pane separating the studio from the production suite.
“Yes,” I reply, open the door, and step into the room, joining them.
In the distance, Kingsley is on his phone, standing with an air of authority.I quickly push away the vivid memory of him staring down at me, his eyes ablaze with need and dominance when I submitted to him on the cross.
“You okay?”Lexy pulls me out of my daydream, one that’s been on repeat all day.
“Perfect, just short on sleep,” I reply, glancing at my phone.I notice a missed call from Rosie and quickly send her a text saying I’ll call her back later.
“What was going on last night?I was honking outside your place at eleven,” she probes.
“I needed a break.It’s been a hectic week of recording.I had to let my hair down.”
“Why didn’t you ask Kingsley to take you out instead of sneaking?”
“Pfft…” I huff, my eyes drifting over Kingsley’s broad shoulders and jet-black hair.
Lexy follows my gaze.“Mr.Control Freak would’ve had kittens.”
I chuckle at her choice of words but say nothing.I like how he’d called me ‘kitten’ last night.It’s imprinted on my brain.
“I’ll grab us some lunch,” Lexy offers.
“I’m coming with,” I reply.
“You are?”
“I need a change of atmosphere,” I say, brushing past Kingsley and deliberately grazing his shirt sleeve.
Today, he’s dressed more casually.His sleeves are rolled up, revealing the sexy ink on his forearms.And I find myself wondering about the rest of his tattoos—where they start and end.Okay, so my promise not to be a brat is in a bit of a gray area with moves like that.I hope he doesn’t notice.But then again, sorry, not sorry.
“Kingsley, we’re walking down Broadway to Fanucci’s for lunch,” Lexy announces.
“Is it imperative you go, Miss Slater?”he asks, reverting to formalities in front of others.