Page 64 of Broken By Sin

“Save who?” Royal pushes.

Her gaze bores into mine. “Your nephew.” I stumble backward and smack into Royal, my gun beginning to shake as I stare down at her, trying to gauge if she is lying. There is no fucking way Havoc had a kid and didn’t tell me, right?

“You’re full of shit, I know for a fact Havoc hasn’t seen you—”

She cuts Royal off. “In one year, nine months. I didn’t find out I was pregnant until three weeks after I last slept with Havoc, which was two weeks after he found me with Chaos. We got drunk and it was our way of saying goodbye. I only found out I was pregnant when my father brought me home to marry me off to Ricco.”

“You’re a fucking liar!” I shout.

“I swear to God I’m not. Kill me but please just save my son from my father. He doesn’t know Havoc is his father, that’s the only reason my dad hasn’t hurt him. Chaos, why do you think I agreed to marry Halil?” She doesn’t give me a chance to answer. “If I didn’t do it, he would hurt my son.”

“Havoc… has a one-year-old son,” I mutter. Lani nods her head. I struggle to come to terms with what she is saying. This bitch is a liar and I know without a doubt she would have used this baby to get my brother back. “Prove it,” I snarl as I step forward and press the barrel of the gun between her eyes. Her eyes dart around as if she is thinking of a way to either prove she is telling the truth or trying to come up with a better lie.

Her brows raise as she snaps her gaze back to me. She lifts her hand and yanks her necklace from her neck and holds it out to me. I frown down at the fucking sphere shaped looking thing with disdain.

“Use your phone's torch and shine it on it. It has a picture of him in there.” I snatch the fucking necklace and grab the phone Royal holds out to me, turning the torch on. “It’s a wear Felicity, they hold pictures of your loved ones but to the naked eye you won’t see it until up close.” I shoot her a glare before handing my gun to Royal. I shine the torch on the thing and bring it to my eye, it takes a minute for my eye to focus, the moment they do, my heart stills.

Scruffy brown hair and bright green eyes stare back at me. He has the same button nose and cupid’s bow as Havoc. I’m frozen in place as pain explodes inside me. I toss the phone to Royal then snatch my gun back off him.

“What’s his name?” I say in a deadly calm tone.

She darts her tongue out to moisten her lips. “To my father and the rest of my family he has the last name Dominico,” I growl.

“What is his fucking name?” I roar.

“His name is… Ryat and he is a year old.”

“Whose last name does he have on his birth certificate?” I wait with bated breath for her to answer. If his last name is what I think it is, then a war is about to ensue and the entirety of the Murdoch Mafia and theMemento Moriwill reign hell on those sons of bitches. I will take everything from them, slaughtering anyone they hold near and dear before taking over their territory and claiming it as mine. Once I have succeeded in that, then I will go after Quintin’s last living family member and destroy his bloodline.

Her gaze bores into mine. “Havoc’s… His name is Ryat Murdoch.” Without thought, I lift my gun and fire.