Page 40 of Broken By Sin


“He says Quintin will want to be at the meet so he can finally see who we are.”

“I already met him at the gala.”

“Which is why you won’t be there. You will be scrubbing his drive of all the information and planting a bug to clone his shit so we can remain a step ahead. Chaos has a thumb-drive for you. All you need to do is plug it in and then he’ll do the rest.”

“What’s the catch?” I know there is one, there always fucking is.

“Your dad will be your overwatch and Kacey will be with you.” I jump to my feet and shake my head.

“Fuck off! Don’t try and meddle in my shit–” He climbs to his feet and pins me with a hard look.

“I’m not doing this to hurt you. Kacey has to be there. He is the only one who can take you in without being detected and your dad needs to be there in case shit goes wrong.”

“If dad’s with me, then who will be watching your back?” I deflect.

“Dad, our uncles, Aunt Koby and Aunt Anya will be with me. The twins will watch my six, but I need to know you can handle this, Sin. We will only get one shot. It’s not like we can break into the headquarters of the FBI anytime we like,” he drawls.

“Fuck!” The bastard smiles triumphantly, earning a glare from me when he claps his hands.

“So glad that is sorted. You might want to get some sleep and shower in the morning.”

I scrunch my face. “Why?” He starts to leave the room and calls out as he rounds the corner.

“Kacey and his boys will be here in the morning to help plan this shit out so we are ready to go at a moment's notice.”


“I hate you!” I shout.

“You’re welcome, you salty bitch,” he calls back.

* * *

“What’s the time frame?” Chaos asks. I remain standing against the far wall staying as far away from Kacey as possible. I barely slept last night. This morning I am a bundle of nerves and I never get nervous! I make sure to be in the office before he arrives. The moment Kacey, Ro and Xav walk into the room, I feel my dad’s gaze on me straight away. No matter how hard I try to keep my eyes off him, I can’t. He looks fucking delicious in a pair of jean shorts, loose black shirt and low-cut Converse sneakers. His hair is a tousled mess. I’m too much of a coward to meet his gaze when I feel him looking my way, instead I stand with my back to them and gaze out the window.

Royal and the twins have been plotting out the best way to narrow down the search for the Albanian boss, while Kacey and his friends work out a pattern of where Quintin has been going, thinking he might be the one to lead them to Halil. Dad is just in here because he’s nosey and wants to make sure Kacey and I aren’t alone together at any time.

“Benny has been keeping tabs on Q and requested a transfer to the main office to keep eyes on him at all times. He says that Q has been acting off, he thinks something big is about to go down,” Kacey answers. The sound of his voice has me closing my eyes and taking deep breaths just to try to remain standing and not collapse. His presence affects me and I hate that even after him throwing me away like trash, he can still hold such a power over me.

“We have been searching for him for a few weeks now. He isn’t hiding at any of his stash houses. We raided one a couple days ago and it was empty,” Royal tells them.

“He can’t leave the state. We have every exit and entry blocked. That Albanian scum isn’t getting the fuck out of here even with his ties to the feds,” Havoc growls.

“Then where the hell is he?” Ro wonders aloud. A snort comes from me when a thought strikes.

“What’s on your mind, Sin?” I hear Kacey snicker at Royal using his nickname for me and I fucking love that it grates on his nerves. He has no right to call me that anymore.

I slowly turn and face Royal, making sure to never look Kacey’s way. I’ll show him that he means nothing to me. “Maybe we should be asking the twins to place a call.” Havoc and Chaos exchange a loaded look before focusing back on me.


“To who?” they both answer in unison.

I pin them both with a bored look. “Your little pet’s family lives on the border of Miami. My bet is that Halil isn’t holed up in one of his own houses, but with your little toy.” Their faces drop as they pick up what I’m putting down.

“No,” Havoc snaps angrily.