Page 34 of Broken By Sin

“Thanks?” It comes out like a question but what else can I say. I never expected him to say sorry for my loss given the fact we can’t stand each other.

“On your hunt for justice, keep an open mind because it might shock you when you realize we aren’t the bad guys you think we are.” I say nothing as I make my way to Marcus’s grave. I wait until they finish covering him in dirt and place all the flowers on top of his grave. I crouch down beside the mound of dirt and place my hand atop of it. I feel the first tear fall and without permission more follow and within minutes I’m on my ass with my knees tucked into my chest and my arms resting on top of them as I cry for my brother.

“I should have let you go,” I shout and I pound my fist against the ground. “This is my fault. I should have listened to you that night and let you go, you fucking begged me! I had my head too far up my own ass because I wanted to prove that I could be a better agent than Dad and show him that I was the better son.” A sob rips out of me. “I was so envious of you, Marcus. No matter how many times you fucked up, Mom and Dad still loved you, They thought the sun shined out of your ass. I did everything they wanted of me. I followed in Dad’s footsteps and became the best at what I do just so he would notice me, but he never did.”

I sit here until the sun sets, talking to my brother. He and I were so close growing up but then shit changed when he got his first hit of ice. I don’t blame the drugs, I blame Marcus for not being strong enough to say no and walk away from the life he chose to live, just so he could earn enough for his next hit.

“I promise, I will find the sons of bitches who did this to you. No matter what I have to do or what lines I have to cross, I will avenge you, brother,” I say as I slowly climb to my feet and head to my car so I can go and meet Royal.

* * *

This time when I pull down the street, there are no cars blocking the path. Memories of that night assault me. As painful as that was to leave her behind, I’ll never regret it because she finally admitted that she loved me too. I come to a stop in front of the black wrought iron gates with the letters MM engraved in them. A guard taps my window so I roll it down.

“Name?” he asks.

“Kacey Vaughn. Royal is expecting me.” He nods and steps aside before pressing his ear piece.

“Marco, I got a Kacey Vaughn here. He says the boss is expecting him.” It takes a second before the guy is nodding and motioning for me to drive through as the gates open. I park my car and climb out. This place is fucking huge, but what stands out to me the most is the lack of guards patrolling the grounds.

“I didn’t think you would show.” I snap my gaze to the front door to see Havoc or is it Chaos standing by the front door. He looks me up and down before nodding his head for me to follow him. I follow him inside, trying to look around as much as I can and fuck me, this house reeks of money. I would never be able to afford something like this on my salary. For the first time I feel unworthy. I will never be able to give Chanel a house like this, she would be lucky if I could afford a house with a white picket fence. “I heard my brother had to reign you in at the gala?”

Ah, so he is Chaos not Havoc.

“No idea what you’re talking about,” I answer, causing him to chuckle. He opens a door at the end of the hall and walks in. I follow after him, only to come to a stop at the sight of Royal behind a large desk. Havoc leans against the far wall, but the sight that has me freezing in the entry way isn’t the sight of Bishop Murdoch sitting on one of the couches, it’s the sight of Vincent Murelo gazing out the window that has me tensing up and feeling like I just walked into a trap. I slowly take a step back, ready to cut and run but stop when I feel someone creep up behind me. I spin around, only to come face to face with Carlina Murelo.

“You lay one finger on her and I will put you down,” Vincent’s threat washes over me and I don’t move a muscle as Carlina studies me like I’m a horse for sale at the stockyards. She hums in the back of her throat before walking past me to stand next to her husband, who now stands in front of Royal’s desk staring me down. If looks could kill, I would be dead.

I pull my gaze from Vincent to look at Royal. “What the fuck is this?” I demand.

“This is me wanting to murder you with my bare fucking hands for defiling my daughter, but restraining because my nephew assures me you are the only one who can help me find her,” Vincent answers for Royal. I look back to the big fucker and scrutinize him.

“Rumors say you can track anyone, find anyone no matter where they hide, so why do you need me?” Vincent’s upper lip pulls back in a snarl. Royal slowly climbs to his feet and rests his hands flat against his desk as he stares at me.

“Chanel was trained by the best. My unclecanfind anyone but my cousin isn’t just anyone. She learned everything she knows from her father, so believe me when I tell you that if she doesn’t want to be found, you will never find her.” Pride swells inside me knowing my girl can evade the best of them. “Don’t look like a smug cunt,” Royal clips out.

“No idea what you’re talking about,” I quip back. The twins mask their laughter by fake coughing.

“You clearly have a death wish,” Bishop adds. I finally look at him. The man is covered head to toe in ink and wears a suit that fits him like a second skin. He sits there looking relaxed and uninterested but I can see the devil in his eyes. This man is the head of the fucking mob and from what I have learned about him, he is fucking cut throat and ruthless.

“I’d rather not die,” I answer honestly.

“Then, if I were you, I would help my brother-in-law find my niece before he kills you, and stages your death to look like an accident so his daughter doesn’t lose her shit.” It’s said in a light tone but I can hear the undercurrent of his threat. I nod and step further into the room, making sure to stay as far away from Vincent as I can when I approach Royal’s desk to look over the papers Chanel has left behind. I feel the twins and Bishop close in and watch me as I shuffle through the papers and try to make sense of what I’m reading. There are plans written out here of how they plan to bring in another shipment of drugs and addresses to stash houses,

“Who the hell is he?” I turn to the doorway to see a young girl standing there with an angry scowl plastered on her angelic face. Her green eyes spit fire at me. Royal groans as he steps out from behind his desk.

“None of your business, demon, now be gone.” My brows snap to my hairline as I glare at the back of the bastard's head.

“She’s a child, don’t speak to her like that,” I snap. Royal spins around and shakes his head.

“You have no fucking idea whatthatis, it is not a child. She is the spawn of the fucking devil and out to get me.”

“Royal!” He visibly cringes at the sound of Erika’s voice and slowly turns to face her.

“Yes, dear?” I scoff and the twins groan while Bishop shakes with silent laughter, it’s a sight to behold seeing this man laugh.

“Don’t youyes dearme! How many times have I told you not to speak to her like that?” Erika looks like she is about to beat the shit out of Royal.

“She is out to get me!” Royal sounds like a petulant child, there is no way this green eyed, brown haired beauty of a child could hurt a soul.