Page 11 of Broken By Sin

“Would Marcus rat you out?” Ro asks hesitantly, I can’t say the thought hadn’t crossed my mind.

“Marcus is a scummy piece of shit but he wouldn’t do that because he knows it would mean the Albanians coming after me.”

Ben snorts. “Dude, Marcus hates you.”

The other two grunt their agreement. “He hates me but naming me and telling them the truth puts our parents and Ash in danger, he’s a fuck up but not even he would risk them coming after our family.”

“We need intel, who the fuck told you Jones’s real name is Halil Kozma?” Ro asks me.

“My informant.” I answer in a brisk tone that doesn’t go unnoticed by my friends.

“Who is your informant, Kace?” Ro pushes. I grit my teeth and shake my head.

“No one.”

“Kacey, who the fuck are you getting this intel from? The four of us have been busting our asses for over a year to find the head of this syndicate then suddenly you have this new informant and bam, you got a name?” I understand their need for information but I also know they would go off the deep end if they found out that my informant was Chanel Murelo. Fuck, if they found out I had a relationship with her while undercover they would lose their fucking minds.

Benny’s phone rings and I sigh with relief, he answers the call and the three of us sit here and watch as his face morphs from surprise to unease then shock, before settling on disbelief as he ends the call and faces the three of us.

“What happened?” I ask. He opens and closes his mouth three times before he is able to finally answer.

“Kacey…” He shakes his head as he looks at me.

“Spit it the fuck out,” I snarl.

A pitying look enters his eyes. “Kacey, I’m so sorry, brother.”

I recoil into the sofa. “Sorry for what?” I snap.

“Kace, Marcus was found in his cell, unresponsive, forty minutes ago.” My heart skips a beat as the blood slowly drains from my face. Tingles begin to spread throughout my body as his words slowly sink in.

My brother is dead.

Marcus is gone.

They killed him and she knew they were coming.

She knew what was about to happen and didn’t tell me, now she will learn why they call me theDraugur!


“They were too late. His brother was found murdered in his cell two hours ago.” Regret blooms inside me at my father’s words as I look up from my laptop. I tried to warn Kacey to have his brother moved from gen pop, that the Albanians were planning a move against him and the easiest target was his older brother who had no escape.

“The death of his brother changes nothing. He either accepts my offer or I kill him.” Dad looks me up and down skeptically, causing my ire to rise further. “What?” I snap, tired of his silent judgment. Since arriving here, he has barely spoken to me and when he does, it is always curt and short. I know I fucked up but him constantly reminding me of my fuck up doesn’t help me. Neither does avoiding Royal’s calls but I can’t talk to him right now without confessing everything to him.

“You may be able to fool your cousins into thinking you are some cold, fearless killer but you don’t fool me, Chanel. I saw the way you looked at that fed today.” I tense in my seat but keep the torment of emotions from my face. “The only bullet you would fire for him is to save his life, not end it. You are towing a fine line here, Daughter, so I urge you to choose, the fed or the family that raised and loved you, because you cannot have both.” I say nothing as he turns and leaves the living room and heads down the hall to his bedroom. His door slams after a minute and I cringe. My father has never been this angry at me and I honestly don’t know how to fix this rift between us.

Before I can dwell on it too much, an incoming Facetime call comes through on my laptop from my mom. I debate on if I should answer it or not, but I know if I don’t, she will just call my dad and he will force me to speak to her.

“Hey, Mom,” I say as I answer the call.

She beams at me through her camera. “Hi, baby. How is the bonding time with your father going?” My dad spun my mom the same story he did Havoc and Royal.

“Uh, yeah, it’s going good I guess,” I say with a shrug.

“You guess it’s going good?” she says as she purses her lips to the side.

“What do you want me to say? He hates that I want to be like him and wants to train me for my new life in Miami, he is so…argh,” I groan as I drop my head back and stare up at the ceiling.