Page 43 of Broken By Sin

“Yes,” Chaos grits out.

“What aren’t you telling us?” Chanel pushes. She looks the twins over with accusation.

“It’s nothing,” Havoc snaps, earning a glare from his twin.

“Fuck you!” Chaos shouts. Havoc spins and gets right in his brother’s face, seething with anger.

“I told you she wasn’t worth it. We started a fucking war with the Columbians because of her, and here we are again about to start another war over a bitch who can’t fucking tell us apart!” The anger is clear in Havoc’s tone but I can also detect a hint of anguish.

“She didn’t have a fucking choice—”

Havoc cuts Chaos off. “Was that before or after my girlfriend opened her legs for you, brother?” My mouth drops open at that declaration.

“Get fucked. Lailani doesn’t deserve this shit.” Chaos bites back.

“She deserves everything she gets. She had a chance to run after we got rid of that Vargas bastard, but she stayed because she is nothing but a weak little girl. She will never love you, Chaos, she told you so herself.”

“I don’t give a fuck about you both wanting to fuck the same pussy, sort your shit out later and tell us what the fuck you learned!” Chanel shouts as she pushes between them. I step forward, ready to protect her if they decide to throw a hit while she is in the middle, but her mother cuts a glance to me and subtly shakes her head.

“Answer her!” Royal snarls.

“Halil is with the Dominico’s and there is no way that Ricardo is going to give up his new son-in-law.” Chanel and Royal both share a quick look and school the shock from their faces.

“He married his daughter off to one of the Albanians?” Erika asks.

“Yes,” Havoc answers. “Her two younger brothers were supposed to form an alliance a couple years back but they failed, so she had to step up and take their place.” A disgusted look crosses Chanel’s face.

“Holy fuck,” I whisper out loud, drawing everyone’s attention to me. Chanel refuses to meet my gaze and seems to find her boots more interesting.

“What?” Xav asks, but I keep my stare on the brown-haired girl that stole my heart.

“Ricardo Dominico wanted you to marry one of his son’s. Clearly after meeting your father, that was declined which is why he started coming after your family.” Vincent growls at me but I ignore it. I know I’m right. It never made sense for Ricardo to start a war with the Murdochs over territory, but now I understand. The war started because his offer of marriage was declined. I look at the twins. Clearly both of them have a thing for Ricardo’s daughter, so why didn’t they take the proposal or was there never one for her? I look to Royal and that’s when I get it. There was a proposal for the daughter, but it wasn’t for the twins, it was for Royal.


I want to punch Royal in the fucking throat and watch him choke on his own saliva as I stand over his dying body and smile down at him!

“Just take the spare room down the hall from Chanel.” The motherfucker has a death wish. I stand here breathing through my nose, trying so hard not to murder my aunt and uncle’s only child. The smug bastard can feel the holes I am glaring into the side of his head but doesn’t have the balls to acknowledge me.

Oh, you dumb fuck, I am going to help London murder you in your fucking sleep!

“Nah, you don’t have to do that, we can drive back–” Royal cuts Kacey off before he can finish.

“Nonsense. The three of you have had a long day and we haven’t even finished planning. You don’t mind them staying, right, Sin?” He finally turns to me and the cunning look in his pale blue eyes makes me want to commit mass murder. I give Royal a toothy smile that has the triumphant look in his eyes slowly fading away as he takes in the savage look in my eyes.

“Of course not! We really do have a lot to plan tomorrow…afteryou and I get out of the ring.” Chaos and Havoc snicker behind Royal. I turn on my heel and stomp up the stairs, not giving Kacey and the others a choice but to follow me. I can feel Kacey’s eyes burning holes into my ass the whole way. I stop in front of my door and point to the one next to mine, then across the hall. “Those are your rooms, enjoy,” I force out before disappearing into my own room and slamming the door closed behind me. “Fucking Royal!” I growl into the empty room as I make my way into my bathroom.

He waited until my mom dragged my dad to bed and Erika left to tuck London in before announcing that Kacey and his friends were going to be spending the night! I pull my gun from my waistband and place it on the bathroom counter before stripping off and tossing my clothes in the hamper in the corner. I make quick work of washing my hair and scrubbing myself before stepping out of the shower. I reach for my robe, but freeze when the sound of my window creaking open hits my ears. Immediately my hunter instincts kick in, I reach for my gun and quietly step out of the bathroom not giving a fuck that I’m naked. The fucker is about to be dead in a second anyway, so it doesn’t matter.

Taking a steadying breath, I slip out of the bathroom with my gun raised and finger on the trigger ready to shoot. “Fuck,” he gasps out at the sight of me. Anger washes over me at the sight of him standing in front of me.

“How the fuck did you get in here?” I snarl as I slowly lower my gun back to my side.

“Your door was locked so… I used the pipe to shimmy across and hoped your window was unlocked and what do ya know, it was open as if you were expecting me or something.” The humor in his tone grates on my fucking nerves.

“Get the fuck out, Kacey. You’re not welcome here or wanted.” A look of hurt flashes across his face. Ignoring it, I turn and march back into the bathroom. Putting my gun back on the counter, I snatch my hair towel off the rail and bend at the waist to flick my hair forward so I can wrap it in my towel. I begin to twist the towel, then freeze when I feel him behind me.

I stay bent over, unable to move. I know without a doubt he has a perfect view of my pussy right now. His jeans brush against the backs of my bare thighs and ass, then he grips my waist. Still, I remain where I am, unable to get my body to move even when my mind is screaming at me to shoot him. He slowly runs his hands up my sides leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. Just as he reaches my arms, his hands vanish from my body, then he’s taking a step back. I finally get myself under control and stand, not caring as the hair towel falls to the floor and I turn to face him. He holds my robe out to me.