Page 41 of Broken By Sin

“What’s going on?” Xav whispers to his friends, but they ignore him as I push on.

“Halil would know we are hunting him after taking out Omar. He would be stupid to risk staying in one of his own properties.”

“She does have a point,” Royal adds.

“Why the fuck would he be hiding out with the Dominico family?” Chaos snarls. I understand their reluctance about accepting what I am saying but they both know I’m right, even if they don’t want to admit it.

“Because it’s a place we would never think to look and let’s be real, we know your pet’s father hates the both of you, so why wouldn’t he side with our enemy?” I hedge.

“Are we talking about the Dominico family as in Ricardo Dominico?” Kacey asks. I watch as my dad pushes off the wall and stands up straight, both the twins stare at him with accusation in their gazes.

“How doyouknow about the Dominico family?” Royal barks.

“They were the family that was trying to oppose your father when he took over Miami from your grandfather. We were scouting him for a while but could never manage to get a man on the inside,” Kacey answers.

“If he is hiding out with them, how the fuck are we going to find that shit out?” Chaos voices.

“With the feds covering Halil’s tracks and erasing him from existence, that would also mean that they are in with the Dominico family. We need to get eyes and ears in there.” Royal looks directly at the twins in expectation. Havoc shuts down, his face is completely devoid of emotion. Chaos looks like he wants to eat glass and keeps clenching and unclenching his fists. “Which of you are going to make the call?”

“Wait, you have an in with the Dominico family?” Kacey sounds stunned, clearly not even his lying ass was able to infiltrate their family.

“Just… give us a minute,” Chaos grits out. Doing as he asks and not saying another word, I turn and leave the room, grateful to be able to get the fuck away from Kacey.


Seeing her for the first time since she walked out of my bedroom has me aching to wrap my arms around her and hold her close as I profess my love for her. Being in the same room as her and not being able to touch or catch a whiff of her scent is the worst fucking torture, but I know I can’t do that. I’m no good for her. She deserves to find someone who isn’t a fuck up and can give her all the lavish things in life. Royal and I have come to some sort of understanding. I help him gather intel and he updates me on how she is doing. The messages I got from him the first day after he left my house had my chest ripping open and me finding solace in the bottom of a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Ro, Xav and I follow Royal and Vincent out of the office, leaving Havoc and Chaos behind to discuss whatever the fuck it is they need to. I’m still stunned that they have an in with the Dominico family. Much like the Murdochs, their family doesn’t outsource help, you have to be related or known by them before you can get within a meter of them. We pass by the kitchen as Royal leads us out onto the back patio. The view from the back is just as fucking stunning as the front. This place must be worth millions.

“Have a seat,” Royal says as he claims the seat at the head of the outdoor table. The three of us claim our chairs while Vincent remains standing, with his arms crossed over his chest and his glare pointed directly at me. It’s fucking hard to ignore. Ever since I stepped foot inside the house, I felt his eyes on me. The man doesn’t disguise his hatred for me either. If anything, he makes sure I know that I am not welcome here or near his daughter. “What’s the progress on Quintin?”

“Benny is working on getting a copy of his planner so we will be able to track his movements. We wanted to plant a tracker, but all the cars are swept daily when they enter the garage of the building,” I answer.

“How soon before we can get that?” I meet Royal’s gaze as I answer.

“Quintin is being real fucking cagey and not attending meetings or leaving his office much.”

“Why?” he asks.

“We think it’s because he is running the master server from his office and scrubbing any evidence from the system,” Romeo answers.

“We know that some of the cases involving the Albanians have been wiped. Which means, now that Q has pinned the blame on Owen for not getting a warrant—when in fact it was him that didn’t procure it—the cases he wiped means the men we sent to prison will be set free,” I elaborate.

“We need to get into that office,” he snarls as he pounds his fist against the table.

“The keys I have, I gave to Sin.” No sooner have the words left my mouth does Vincent snap. He smacks his hands flat against the table and bends over so he is right in my face.

“You don’t get to say her name,” he grits out through clenched teeth. I war within myself to remain silent and just be a good boy and take it, but wishes are bullshit and never come true so I snap back.

“Why not? I pushed her away like you wanted and broke your daughter’s heart,sir. I know I can never give her what you can or some rich fucker can, but believe me, sir, I gave her everything I fucking had and she never complained, onlyyoudid!” I spit at him. Before I even see it coming, his fist lands right below my eye socket and sends me sailing backward in my chair. My head smacks hard against the wood of the patio. Vincent tries to come at me again, but Royal and my boys hold him back as I struggle to my feet and have to use the railing for support. The bastard packs a mean fucking punch like his daughter.

“You stay the fuck away from my daughter–”

“Vincent!” He clamps his mouth shut as I slowly swivel around using the railing for support to see Carlina standing in the doorway, but she isn’t alone. Erika, London and Chanel stand on either side of her. Chanel looks livid, her fists clenched at her side and her face is contorted with anger as she stares at her dad. Her mother looks like she is ready to skin her husband alive. “Did you hit him?” Vincent opens his mouth but no words come out. Not knowing when to keep my mouth shut, I blurt out,

“No, I fell over.” Carlina pins me with a dry stare. Chanel scoffs while Erika and the little that clutches her hand giggle. I know, I sound like an idiot but I’m no pussy and can take a hit, just ask Chanel.

“What he said,” Vincent tacks on.