Page 31 of Broken By Sin


Shaking my head, I cut him off. “We have done some fucked up shit to each other in the past… And I know I fucked up with hiding the truth about Kacey from you. But this...” I shake my head, swallow the lump of shame in my throat and push on. “You took a private, intimate moment ofmineand made a mockery of me. I would never have done that to you!” I scream, turn on my heel and march back toward the gates, needing to get the fuck away from here—fromhim. I ignore him shouting my name because as a male it may be funny for them to do shit like this to each other, but that’s my dad! My father should never have heard that shit and without a doubt, I know Royal did it on purpose. He could have called Marco directly but he didn’t, he chose to call my father knowing he would hear me.

The gates open and I march down the street toward the blockade. At this moment I don’t care about what I did to betray my cousin by hiding Kacey from him. Royal fucked me over worse than he will know. I am so ashamed and there is no fucking way I can ever look my father in the eye again after this. The closer I get, I can hear shouts and Kacey spewing threats at the guys to let him through. At the sound of my approach, they all stop and turn to me. Marco rushes forward to try to stop me, but I just pull my gun and point it at him.

“I’ve been instructed not to let anyone pass,” Marco says as he raises his hands.

“Try and stop me and I’ll end you where you fucking stand.” Marco darts his gaze over my shoulder. I slowly turn around to see my father, uncle and cousins standing there. Royal at least has the decency to look sheepish and drop his gaze to the ground. My dad isn’t looking at me, he has a look of hatred directed over my shoulder and there is no doubt in my mind he’s looking at Kacey. Waves of tension roll off my dad. I cut a glance to my uncle and I’m not surprised to see the humor from earlier is replaced by an emotionless mask. He’s in Don mode.

Lowering my gun back to my side, I stand tall and hold my head high as I look to my dad. I cringe when his gaze drops to what I’m wearing. Not only did he hear what I was doing, he now has to see me wearing Kacey’s clothes!

“Let him through.” Those words send a chill down my spine, I have never in my life been scared of my dad until this moment. He has no issue with me killing and breaking the law, but the knowledge of me sleeping with someone, he has a huge fucking issue with it! I don’t dare take my eyes off my dad, even when I hear the guys behind stepping aside and the sound of footsteps coming up behind me. I pray that Kacey has a sense of self preservation and doesn’t come to me. That thought evaporates as fast as my hope of him living to see tomorrow when he comes to stand beside me.

Kill me now!

Kacey places a hand to the small of my back. I want to step away from him and act like I have no idea who he is, but it’s too little too late for that. Dad knew there was something between us when he first saw Kacey, but he had no idea I was fucking him until tonight! Dad’s features turn deadly as he looks Kacey up and down with utter distaste. I spy him out of the corner of my eye. The fact he is standing tall and looking directly at my father tells me he is fucking suicidal!

When my dad steps forward, everything inside me stills. I swear my heart flips inside my chest. My plan was to run out and escape with Kacey and his friends for the night, just to let my father calm down, not for him to follow me out here. Uncle Bishop and Havoc flank my dad while Royal remains where he is. He tries to catch my stare but I refuse to look directly at him.

This is all his fucking fault!

“Sir–” Kacey tries to speak but my dad silences him with a deep growl. I may be furious at Kacey and hate what he did to me, but I also can’t allow my father to kill him. I open my mouth ready to try to defuse the tension and attempt to make peace, but I don’t get the chance.

“Vincent Murelo, get your ass back here now!” My eyes widen at the sound of my mother’s angry voice. I peer around my dad to see my aunt, Erika and my mom storming toward us.

“Same goes for you Bishop and you.” Aunt Kiara points at her son who is looking everywhere but at her. “I am so disappointed in you. How could you do that to your cousin?” Royal doesn’t answer his mother as he turns to Erika. She crosses her arms over her chest and stares her man down.

“You told my mom on me?” he accuses.

“Don’t take that tone with her!” Aunt Kiara snaps.

“Vincent, you will not harm that boy!” my mom states. My dad still won’t take his eyes off Kacey or even acknowledge my mom standing behind him. Mom huffs out her annoyance and comes to stand in front of my dad, keeping her back to him. I don’t know why but nerves thrum through me as she looks Kacey over, her brow scrunching and her lips pushing to the side, as if she is concentrating really hard. To my utter disbelief, Kacey begins to fidget under the scrutiny of my mother’s gaze, but when faced with my father and uncle, he stands proudly and ready to throw down if need be.

The one to break the tension is Erika. She brushes past her man and bats his hands away when he tries to stop her from coming toward us. I keep darting my gaze between my parents and Erika, the latter shoots me a look that begs me to trust her and right now, I don’t have another choice but to trust the woman I have been a downright bitch to. Rika stops in the middle of me and my parents, and shoots my mom and dad with a bright smile.

“Vincent, Carlina I would like to be the first to introduce you to Kacey Vaughn…” My dad seems to relax slightly and I do as well until Erika continues speaking, “Chanel’sboyfriend.” Everything happens in a blur. One second my mom and Erika are in front of us, then in the next blink of an eye my dad is in front of Kacey with the muzzle of his gun pressed against his forehead. All Royal’s men surround us and have their guns trained on Kacey’s friends.

It’s at this moment I understand why my father is called The Bloodhound. He strikes without noise and has the poise of a lion. The look in his eyes has my breath hitching. I see no trace of the man that raised me, he is in full on killer mode and fuck me, I have never wanted to be more like my dad than I do in this moment. He is a force. I thought the name Murdoch inspired fear but I was wrong, my dad doesn’t need a name he is just…lethal.

“Vincent–” my mom tries to defuse the situation, but my dad isn’t having it. My uncle and cousins have my aunt and Erika behind them, protecting them.

“You think after what you did tomylittle girl that you can waltz in here and remain breathing?” My mouth feels like it has cotton balls in it. I keep swallowing trying to think fast about how to get Kacey and his friends out of here alive and breathing, but keep coming up blank. When Kacey doesn’t answer, Dad presses his gun harder against him prompting him to answer.

“No, sir, I don’t.” His answer has me balking up at him. “You have every right to think what you do about me. I fucked up badly where she is concerned.” Kacey flicks his gaze to me and I deflate, the resigned look in his eyes has my chest feeling like it may crack open.

“You will stay the fuck away from my daughter–”

“Dad–” He cuts a look to me that has me clamping my mouth closed.

“You put her life on the line, you betrayed her and tried to use her. You will never be welcome around her or my family.” A lump begins to form in my throat as a feeling of anguish washes over me. “I’ll allow you to walk out of here with your life, because she cares for you. Do not mistake my kindness for weakness. If I ever see you again—”

“You’ll kill me,” Kacey supplies solemnly.

Dad darts his hand out, grips the front of Kacey’s shirt and growls, “No, I’ll start with your parents, then your last remaining sibling before I come for you.” Kacey’s chest rises and falls with harsh intakes of air. “Scum like you isn’t worthy of her. You have three minutes to get the fuck out of here. Any last words?” Tears prick the backs of my eyes, something about this moment feels so final like I won’t ever see Kacey again and that… hurts.

“Yes, but my words aren’t for you, sir.” Havoc and Royal both whistle between their teeth, thinking that this man definitely has a death wish. “If this is the last time I get to see your daughter, please allow me to say goodbye.”

“Why the fuck should I give you anything?” Dad seethes right in his face.