Page 28 of Broken By Sin

“Fuck you, bitch!” Omar spits.

“Answer his question,” I snap.

The bastard grits his teeth, wanting to defy me so I shake my dagger in his face. “We got intel from our man inside—”

“Quintin?” Kacey cuts in and asks. Omar grits his teeth and nods.

“So, he was the one who told you who Kacey was and that his brother was imprisoned?” I push.

“Yes.” I nod accepting his answer. “We never had a problem with you–”

“But I had one with you. Miami is ours and you fuckers thought because Chance was no longer here, that you could remain?” Royal doesn’t give him a chance to answer.

“Newsflash, bitch, you and your scum will be pushed out. TheMemento Moridon’t and never will deal in the skin trade. I will have this operation shutdown before it even begins again you sick fuck.” Like his father, Royal will never allow the skin trade to happen on our turf. The Albanians want to bring it back. Uncle Bishop stopped that shit years ago. Chance was promised a cut if he helped them.

“Halil will kill you!” Omar snarls at Royal.

“We meet with your boss in just under three weeks, but we have found out that you bastards want to set a trap.” Omar’s eyes blaze. “I want to know where Halil is now. If you don’t tell me and we get to the meet and get ambushed, I’ll make sure to tell your boss that you sang like a bird.”

“Fuck you, you don’t know shit, bitch,” he shouts. I collect the nail gun and don’t hesitate to pull the trigger and nail both his feet to the floor.

“I know enough to know that when an Albanian soldier falls, their families are cared for but if they are snitches, their families are killed. So I ask again, where the fuck is Halil?” It takes me nailing his cock to his thigh and nailing each of his balls to the chair before he finally gives up the location of Halil. True to my word, I end him. Pulling the dagger from his shoulder, I slit his throat and watch as his soul slowly leaves his body. Taking a life always fills me with a sense of power and makes me horny. This feeling is fucking addictive and I honestly can’t get enough of it.


I watch as she drops the dagger to the ground and steps back, smiling down at her victim. She’s covered in his blood and for the first time I see her, the real her. She pulls a card from her pants pocket and tosses it onto the counter behind her victim, letting everyone know that theMemento Moriwas here. For all my years of being an agent, I should be repulsed and taking her ass to jail. I have worked my ass off my whole life to get to where I am, only for it all to be a lie. I would never have been able to figure out who the mole was this quickly if it wasn’t for her and her family. I can feel my friends staring at me, but I can’t take my eyes off the woman who just single handedly killed a man in front of my eyes.

“Go shower, bring everything out with you. I’ll call Benny.” Royal says.

“Uh, I’m right here,” Benny says. Both Chanel and Royal pin him with a dry stare.

“Benny is also the name of one of our guys who… will clean this situation up,” Erika supplies.

“Got any spare clothes?” Chanel asks. Havoc and Royal both look at the clothes she’s wearing. She groans and goes for the duffle bag that contains her dress and heels. I turn to Ro and toss him my keys, which he catches.

“Get my go bag out of the trunk,” I say. He nods and takes off toward the elevator. “I got some clothes in my car.” She darts her gaze to me and frowns before nodding stiffly, then makes her way down the hallway where Erika told her the bathroom is. It takes about ten minutes for Ro to come back up with my bag in hand. Taking it from him, I turn to head down the hallway but Royal blocks my path.

“Where do you think you are going?” I eye the fucker with a look of pure disdain.

“You don’t own her,” I grit out.

“Never said I did.”


“You think because you got to witness her do this, that you are safe?” He doesn't allow me to answer. “You thought wrong. You got your answer, now it’s time for you to leave.” I square up to the bastard until we are chest to chest. I see the spark of intent in his eyes.

“Not. Without. Her,” I enunciate each word so he doesn’t misunderstand my intent. I am here for her as well as my answers. Before another word can be said, his fist lands on my jaw, then we are going at it. Havoc and my boys rush forward to break up the fight. Benny and Havoc try to hold Royal back while Xav and Ro grab my arms and pull me back.

“You’re done. Get the fuck out now before I change my mind and kill you where you stand,” Royal snarls. The elevator pings. The fight forgotten, we all draw our guns and turn toward the entry to see six men enter the room with frowns on their faces. Royal drops his gun and moves forward to greet the man. I’m assuming this is the guy he called to get rid of the body.

“Oh shit,” Xav breathes out. I follow his line of sight and see Chanel standing at the end of the hall in a towel, the six men all looking toward her. Darting forward, I snarl at them and grip her arm, yanking her back to the bathroom ignoring her threats. I slam the door closed behind us and trap her between my body and the counter.

“Don’t fucking touch—”

“You don’t fucking show them what ismine,” I shout right in her face, making her eyes narrow.

“I am not yours, Kacey. We will never be more than what we are now.” Her words have a pit of unease forming in my gut.