Page 67 of Brady

“She’s going to try and guilt me into agreeing to the several hundred people she’s going to need to invite. We could elope.” She added hopefully.

“Your Mom scares me and my Dad would never forgive me.”

She hissed out a breath. “We have to put our foot down. It’s our wedding.”

“We will. You don’t have to do anything.”

“I want to have a say in some of it. Do you need like a best man or anything like that?”

“No. I just need you.”

“That’s sweet. This ring is perfect.” He’d given her a simple, yet exquisite, ruby and pearl ring that she really loved. “You know me.”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

They’d celebrated their official engagement by making love by the fire in the living room. The excitement had started. They were throwing an official engagement party which Michelle insisted on arranging the entire thing. An announcement was sent to the papers and now they had invitations piling up.

“You need to get yourself an assistant.” He advised her.

“I don’t want people in my space, but I might have to think about it.”

“You’re nervous.” He watched in amusement as she circled the table again and rearranged the cutlery. She‘d instructed Mrs. Bailey to set the table in the kitchen instead of the dining room.

“I want him to be comfortable and not overwhelmed. This place is already overwhelming as it is.” She bit her lip and stopped herself from rearranging the place settings again. “You were right.”

“About what?” Moving forward, he captured her hands and pulled her away from the table.

“I shouldn’t have invited him. What the hell was I thinking?”

“You wanted to reach out to a friend.” He captured her face between his palms. “Stop worrying. The guy is going to adjust.”

“His name is Todd.”

“I intend to call him by his name- what’s his surname?”

She furrowed her brow as she thought about it. “Oh, Lord, I’ve known him for years and I don’t know his last name. What kind of friend am I?”

“Stop.” His authoritative tone had her staring at him. “You’re making yourself crazy over nothing.”

“I want to pee.”


“The baby is pressing down on my bladder. Now I want to pee and he’s due here-“ They both went still as the bell sounded.

“I’m sorry.”

“Macayla- “

“I have to pee really bad.” With a regretful smile, she dashed out of the room, leaving him with the unwelcome task of greeting a perfect stranger. Love makes one do silly things and put up with a lot.

Brushing his hand over his hair, he strode towards the door. Checking the security mirror to make certain, he punched in the code and pulled the door open. Brady was six foot three, but the guy topped him by at least a foot and his head was completely bald.

“Ah, please come in.” Stepping back, he allowed him to step inside.

Shrugging out of his jacket, Todd looked around as if searching for where to put it.

“I'll take that. I’m Brady Randall by the way.”