Page 58 of Brady

She acknowledged. "Or we could come here."

"Here as in this dump?" He shook his head. "Girl, you’re not thinking straight. I’d do anything to protect you-"

"I can damn well protect myself." She retorted.

He grinned at the memory. One night he’d been busy serving drinks when two guys approached her and started getting handsy. It was the table splintering that had his head whipping around and what he saw made his admiration of her grow. She had them on the ground in minutes.

He’d never seen moves like that and for a woman so tiny, she packed a wallop. "As I very well know. In any case, having your man coming here would be a bad idea."

"So, you’ll come to us." Her lips firmed. "Come to dinner. The place isn’t open on Monday, so we could do it then. I’m not taking no for an answer."


"I’m not going to stop asking, Todd." She warned. "This is important to me."

He gave her a sober look. "You’re really serious about this?"

"What do you think?"

"Okay, if it’ll get you off my back and if your man agrees, then I’m in. I’m not dressing fancy."

"You can come in your birthday suit for all I care."

He grinned at that. "I’m not sure your man would appreciate that. We wouldn’t want him getting jealous when he sees the package."

Macayla snorted. "He has no need to be. His package is impressive enough."

"And he’s a white dude. Go figure." Reaching over, he kissed her full on the lips. "I’ll be there."


Her next stop was at the precinct. She’d spent so much time sitting around and interviewing the various detectives that it almost felt like a second home. Having the guys hit on her had become a normal occurrence that she’d become accustomed to over the years. She’d garnered a lot of information for her series.

"Hey, Mac! What brings you here?"

"I just missed seeing your ugly mug, so I was getting sentimental." She told the lean and attractive Detective Deon Blake with a smile.

"You’re a sight for sore eyes. Pregnancy agrees with you."

She rolled her eyes in mild exasperation. "It seems the secret is out."

"Pregnancy can’t remain a secret for long. What do you need?"

The bullpen was buzzing as usual and the scent of bad coffee and sweat permeated the air. "Do you have a minute?"

"For you? Hell, yes." Taking her arm, he guided her through the narrow passageway and into an interview room. "What's going on?"

"You know I’m finishing up the book."

"I heard something to that effect. Need more info?"

"No." She shook her head. "This is personal."

His light blue eyes sharpened at that. "What is it?"

"I think I’m being followed."

"Think or know?"