Page 46 of Brady

“You didn’t say anything.” She accused him.

“What was there to say?” He asked with a shrug. “I found out about your mother and my Dad and it was too weird or that was what I thought back then. Like I said, I was going through my own issues. I just wanted to get as far away as I could and try to get my head on straight.”

“I don’t know what to say.” She muttered.

“That’s a first.” He grunted. “Let me ask you this, if I had the guts to tell you how I felt back then, what would you have done?”

Her fingers curled into his and she could feel the emotions churning inside her. “I’d have told you it was weird. I was resentful about the thing going on between our parents.

Granted, I didn’t know they had a thing until after my Dad died. It always struck me as strange they’d let us meet up at the cabin and now that I looked back, it was strange that all they did was talked and nothing else. She was faithful to my Dad when he was alive.”

“Somewhat?” He asked with a lift of his brows.

“She cheated on him in her heart.” She let out a breath. “She kept her body away, but she was in love with your Dad. He was her one true love and when I found out, I was mad. Dad was well- he was Dad. He was the best father a girl could ever want. He loved her and would have put up with anything because of that.”

She pressed her lips together. “She made him happy, but he was hopelessly in love and it showed. I think I decided at that time that was never going to happen to me. I kept my heart in a bubble, because I didn’t want to fall into that category.”

“What about now?” He asked her softly.

“I don’t want to feel this way. I’m scared.”



His lips tilted as his eyes twinkled. “Very profound.”

“Oh you know what I mean.” She stared at him, the familiar curls tumbling around his strong, beautiful face. The slight bump at the bridge of his nose was the only reason he wasn’t perfect. “I have a hard time saying it.”

“It’s just three little words” He told her dryly.

“Exactly. I pour my emotions in my writing, because it’s safe there. I get to navigate and call the shots.”

“I’m not going to use what you feel to control you.”

“I know.” She closed her eyes briefly. “What if you change your mind?”

“Macayla- “

“Just shut up and listen. People do that. We’re going to be parents together. I couldn’t bear it if you –“ She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Just make love to me, Brady. Let me feel you against me. I want to-“ She broke off when he hauled her into his arms and crushed his lips to hers.

Chapter 10

He did a check on Tiffany Knowles. He knew Macayla could take care of herself and she didn’t suffer fools gladly, but his entire life was invested now. He’d spent last night just worshiping her body and whispering how much he loved her.

Suddenly, it didn’t matter if she said it back to him. Her actions told him that she did. Eventually, before their baby was born, he was going to persuade her to marry him. In the meantime, he was looking out for her.

He was using the company’s security team and they promised to get back to him ASAP. He could sense Macayla felt sorry for the woman and he suspected it was due to her own pregnancy.

He was about to call her, when he heard the discreet knock on the door before it was pushed open.

“Am I interrupting?” Sydney asked as he walked in.

“I was about to call Macayla and get on her nerves.” He said with a smile. “Anything wrong?”

“Just – how is she?” The older man settled on a chair facing the desk.

“The nausea is kicking her butt, aside from that, she’s the usual pain in the neck.”