"I love the feel of you."
"Macayla." His voice was rough with emotions.
"I’m tasting you. Not bad."
"I want to taste some more." Shoving him back against the pillows, she climbed over him, going down to his throbbing cock.
“Oh, Christ!" Squeezing his eyes shut, he felt his body stiffening as she closed her fingers around him. "You don't have to-"
"I want to." She touched her tongue to the thin slit and had his body rearing up in shock.
When her mouth closed over him, he felt as if his head was about to be blown off. Digging his fingers into the sheets, he used them to anchor him, even as his hips lifted desperately seeking the warmth of her mouth.
A groan escaped him when she fondled his balls gently, adding to the pressure building up inside him. He wasn’t going to make it, the thought filtered hazily through his head. It was too much and he didn’t want to explode down her throat.
Finding the strength, he managed to drag her up and on top of him, his body shuddering, heart thundering inside his chest. She settled over him, the wetness from her mouth making it easy for her to slide down to the hilt.
Only her, he thought feverishly. She was the only woman who’d ever had this effect on him. The madness, the heat and fire were something he’d never thought existed. He loved her so much it was like a fire burning its way through his body. She consumed him, so that he could think of nothing and no one else.
His hands gripped her hips as he lifted his upper body. With one long look at her, he bent to suck her nipple, making her whimper. She came then, her head thrown back, body bucking on top of him. She rode him furiously, sending him into a frenzy that had him climaxing, his long, lean body shuddering as he poured himself into her.
He held her to him, both of them trembling in the aftermath. Letting go of her nipple, he buried his face in her neck, breathing her in, inhaling her essence and just savoring her. Macayla held him to her, fingers stroking the muscled back and warm skin. Ever since he’d told her the story of his mother; something had shifted inside her.
He made her feel weak and vulnerable and protective. She wanted to soothe away the pain and hurt that still plagued him and, because of it, she allowed the fuss he insisted on where she was concerned.
"We should go and take a shower." She murmured, still running her fingers up and down his back. It felt good being with him like this, his penis buried deep inside her.
"We should." He agreed, his face still nestled at her neck.
"You take a long time to shower. It amazes me a man could take that amount of time in the bathroom."
"You’re in and out in less than three minutes. That's crazy." The first time they’d taken a shower together, it’d lasted almost an hour. Then again, it’d been interspersed with touching, tasting and then lovemaking against the tiles.
"I’m not dirty, and a shower is just washing off the day. I’m mostly in the house anyway and not out doing manual labor. Mrs. B, doesn’t even allow me to pick up after myself."
He lifted his head to look at her. "Is that a complaint I hear?"
"I’m not used to people picking up after me." She loved the flushed look on his face and the sensuous slant of his lips. The man was too pretty, and hers. She felt a jolt at those two words, yes, he was hers and she was never going to share him with another woman.
“If you ever cheat on me, I’m going to cut off your dick and make you swallow it."
His eyebrows winged up as he stared at her in shock. "Ah-" He cleared his throat. “Duly noted.”
“Just saying. Now, let's get going. I don't want to be late."
"Where did this come from?" She frowned at the stunning coral dress he pulled from the closet. "I told you not to buy me anything else."
"I chose to ignore you." Moving into the closet with the rows of revolving shelves, he picked up a brand-new pair of matching heels and handed it to her.
Grabbing it out of his hands after giving him a fuming look, she turned to look at the heap of clothing that’d made its way into the closet. His stuff was on the right and hers on the left and the pile just kept getting bigger every day.