Page 32 of Brady

"Entitled?" He rolled that around inside his head. "I don't think I am."

"All rich good-looking guys are."

"I’m taking that as a compliment."

"You would." She snorted against his chest. "I’m guessing you brought a change of clothes."

"You’d be right."

"You were that sure you’d be spending the night?"

"I was that sure I wasn’t leaving."

"Is this going to become a habit?"

"Spending the night? Yes. Unless you agree to come and live with me." He ignored the stiffening of her body and plunged on. "It would make more sense. My place is much bigger and nicer, by the way. I’d get the chance to be there for you."

"Those aren’t good reasons and I hate people in my space."

"I’m not people."

"You’re a person and you’d be in my space."

Shifting slightly, he tugged at her chin. "I’m the man in your life."

"You’re the father of my baby."

He gave her an irritated look. "You’re deluding yourself if you think that. We’re so much more."

"You just want regular sex." She grumbled.

"Nothing wrong with that. Like I said, the place is big. You could set up a suite for your office. I’m not there during the day and I travel, unless you want to accompany me. You can write from anywhere." He pointed out. "I want to be there for you and my baby."

"It's not a baby yet and it seems to me like you’ve been thinking about this for a while."

"The day you invited me to the cabin." He shrugged as she raised an eyebrow. "I’m putting you on notice that I not only want to be the father of your baby. I want a family."

"You’re getting ahead of yourself." She tried to ease away from him, but he wouldn’t allow it. She was strong, but he was stronger. "Let go."

"No. We’re having a discussion and you can’t always call the shots."

"Like what you’re doing now?" Her eyes flashed dangerously. "Expecting me to pack up everything and go and live with you?"

"It makes a lot of sense and if you’d just stop to think, you’d realize that. I’m going to be actively involved and that's a given." He bent to brush his lips against hers.

"I want to be here for everything, the good and not so good. To hold your hair when you’re puking your guts up. To make you lemon or ginger tea-“ He grinned at her. “I’ve been reading up. Soup will settle your stomach," He kissed the tip of her nose.

"To rub your ankles if and when they start swelling. I need this, Macayla, and I’m determined to make it happen."

"So, I don’t have a say in any of it?" She had to admit it all sounded like something she wanted too. She’d already agreed to having a baby, this was something different altogether. "What if we decide that we can’t stand each other?"

"We can’t stand each other half the time, but I still want to be with you."

"I already told you I’m not interested in a relationship."

"What the hell do you think this is?" Letting go of her chin, he cupped her face. "We’re in a relationship, whether you like it or not."

"We’re just having sex and yes, it’s good, but you’re talking about a commitment that I’m not sure I’m ready for. I’m not easy to live with, I’m moody and when I’m writing I forget to eat-" She saw that register. "Now I’m expecting, that will change of course."