Page 74 of Brady

Brady felt his insides tightening at the look of weariness on the man’s craggy face. They’d been waiting for the past five hours and it seemed like a lifetime. Rising to his feet, he faced the doctor, a hopeless look on his face, the desperation obvious.

“She’s a fighter.” He told them with a faint smile. “We thought we lost her for a minute there, but she managed to bounce back.”

Brady felt as if the wind had been knocked out of his body. Moving over to the chair, he lowered himself unable to support his trembling knees. “She’s okay?”

“We’re going to have to wait for the next twenty-four hours to monitor her, but I can safely say she’s going to make it.”

“The baby?” Michelle asked in a hushed tone.

“Heartbeat is strong and everything seems to be okay.”

“Thank you Ian.” Sydney rose and came forward to take his hand. “Thank you so much.”

“I was just doing my job.” He looked at his friend. “You need to go home,” He glanced at Michelle. “The same goes for you.” He angled his head to look at Brady. “I’m not going to waste my breath suggesting you go home- “

“I’m not leaving.”

He nodded. “Both of you go home and get some sleep. Brady will ring you when she regains consciousness.”

“When will that be?” Michelle leaned against Sydney wearily.

“Hard to tell. Go on home.”


“Oh, God. Syd.” She made it all the way home before collapsing in his arms.

“Here, baby,” He’d followed her home and guided her up the stairs and into the bedroom. “Why don’t we sit here.” He led the way to the comfortable loveseat by the window.

“Let it all out, darling.” Pulling her into his arms, he stroked her back as she wept on his shoulder. He rubbed her back slowly, feeling the love he had for her that had sustained him over the years, overflowing.

“Sweetheart.” Gripping her slender and suddenly frail shoulders, he moved her a little so he could look at her. Bending, he kissed her wet cheeks gently, before using his thumb to wipe the tears. “What can I do?”

“We could have lost her. I could have lost both my babies.” With a deliberate show of strength, she fought the tears. “She’ll be all right, won’t she? Both of them will be. That’s what we were told.”

“Yes.” Tilting her chin, he kissed her softly and would have ended it, but she deepened it by wrapping her hands around his neck.

“My sweet.” He whispered hoarsely when she stopped and dropped her head on his shoulder, snuggling against the warmth of his neck.

“My darling.” She wanted to wrap herself around him, in him. The only man she’d ever loved. Loving him had been a source of bittersweet twists and turns for her, but she’d never stopped loving him. Lifting her head, she stared at him with tears drenched eyes. “I love you.” She whispered.

“I know. My only love. You are the one. The only.” His hands cupped her cheeks gently.


“I want us to get married.”

“Darling- “

“No.” She shook her head. “Just let me get it out. I told you I didn’t want to make that kind of commitment again and I was wrong. I cared about Mark, perhaps even loved him in my own way, but you’re my one true love and I want to spend the rest of whatever years we have left together.

This illness, I don’t know what is going to happen. I have good days and bad, but I want to share them with the man I’ve been in love with for all these years. As soon as we get those two young people hitched, we’re going to the court house to pledge our lives to each other.”

“My sweet.” Sydney felt the thickness in his throat. “My love.”

“Is that a yes?” She asked him shakily.

“Undoubtedly.” He cupped her face. “You’re not just saying it because of what- “