“Are you going to stop acting like a moron and talk like a normal person so I can tell you the news?”
“Normal is overrated,” he grumbled. “Tell me what news?”
“I’m getting married Christmas Eve. I need my best friend to be my best man.”
“Who’d you knock up?”
I burst out laughing. “I didn’t knock up anyone, asshole. Mercy and I are getting hitched.”
“Well, it’s about fucking time. I’d be honored to be your best man.”
“Awesome. Figured since you and Destiny would be out for Christmas, the timing would work out nicely for you all.”
“Um…” Bone’s voice lowered. “Destiny isn’t coming home with me. She’s spending the holidays in California with her new family.”
I screwed up my face and looked at Mercy. She seemed to strain to hear what Bone was saying.
“Why aren’t you going with her?” I asked.
“Didn’t want to be in the way. And how can I be your best man if I’m on the West Coast?”
“Are you pulling away from her? Don’t be an idiot. You should go with her.” My best friend could be an arrogant asshole, but down to his core, he was a softy and felt pain deeply. He masked his feelings so no one would like him. He had a lot of emotional baggage from his childhood. I should’ve been keeping in touch with him better.
“She left yesterday with her brothers and won’t return until after the first of the year.”
Oh man, I could hear it in his voice. He missed her already. “After Christmas, go surprise her. Ring in the New Year with your girl.”
“She’s not my girl. You know our arrangement.”
“Why’re you fighting your feelings? Tell Destiny you love her and claim her.”
“Is Mercy with you?”
“Yeah. We’re driving home from Lake of the Woods.”
“Thought she was there. Convo over.”
“I don’t have you on speaker. She can’t hear anything.” I shrugged at Mercy.
“Doesn’t matter. Convo over. Tell your woman I said congratulations and I’ll be at your wedding. Just text me the details.”
“Bone, if you need anything”
“Don’t need nothing, brother. Enjoy the day with your girl. We’ll talk soon.” He was doing everything possible to end the call. Micah never liked talking, much less on the phone.
“Okay. We’re heading to the farm to make a formal announcement. I’ll be in touch.”
“Sounds good. Later.” And just like that, Bone was gone.
I put the phone down and reached for Mercy’s hand. “Micah said congratulations and he’ll be at the wedding.”
“But without Destiny.”
“Right. She’s spending the holidays with her newly discovered family.”
“And Micah isn’t with her?”
“Nope.” I shook my head, feeling sorry for my best friend. Micah wasn’t the sort of guy who got attached to anyone. The mere fact that Destiny was living with him and sleeping in his bed meant a hell of a lot. Maybe not to the average onlooker, but I knew him as well as I knew myself. He was in love with Destiny, but too afraid to admit it.