“That bitch is just jealous of you, baby. Don’t cry.” It broke my heart to hear her sobbing and feel her shaking in my arms. “Every woman who talked about us are bitches and sluts. They say shit like that because they wish they were half as beautiful as you. They aspire to be you, Mercy.”
She sniffled and pulled back. “Am I fat, though?”
“For fuck’s sake. No, you’re not fat.” I palmed and squeezed her plump peach of an ass. “I fucking love this ass. You know I do and don’t deny it.”
“I guess you wouldn’t have asked me to marry you if you thought I was ugly or fat. No one was holding a gun to your head… Nobody was forcing you to marry me, were they?”
“That’s it.” I lowered to my knees and tugged down her scrubs. “You need your pussy devoured right now.” I lifted her leg, placed it over my shoulder and dove right in.
We entered the home, our hands joined and my heart beating faster than normal. Within seconds, Hope was hugging me and bouncing on her toes. Clearly, she had guessed what the big news was. Of course she had. She was my best friend and knew I’d gone away with Brady. When she first found out about us, she’d encouraged me to pursue a relationship with him, but I’d been a stubborn head.
“If I’m making a fool of myself, tell me now before I completely embarrass myself,” she whispered. “You’re engaged, right?”
“Now, what fun would it be if I told you before everyone else?”
She squealed and hugged me tighter. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Let me hug the newest member of our family,” Lady M tapped Hope on the shoulder. “Come on now, honey. Don’t hog Brady’s fiancée.”
“You’re all ruining our announcement.” Brady rubbed my back. “I had a speech prepared and everything.”
He so didn’t.
“Congratulations, Mercy. We’re so happy for you and Brady.” Lady M embraced me and Brady simultaneously. “It was the lefse that made her cave, wasn’t it?”
I giggled, tears pooling in my eyes. The love in this home never ceased to amaze me. I wasn’t so sure my folks would be as thrilled about Brady and me as the Knights were.
“She couldn’t resist my charm, right, sweetheart?” Brady tugged me into his arms. “And maybe theother thingswe do together.” He clicked his tongue.
“Brady,” I whisper-shouted and elbowed him in the ribs. My face heated and likely turn red.
“You two are adorable. Let’s join the rest of the family. Ben is getting the champagne.”
There was a swarm of Knights to greet. People I was familiar with and liked. Plus a few kids. Nova was Cobra and Karma’s oldest child. She was seated on the sofa holding her baby brother, Ace. Then there was Cherish. She was Hope and Levi’s baby girl, and happily playing with her Uncle Silas.
Soon, Piper would pop out hers and Russell’s first baby. They were having a boy and were naming him Axell. The Knight family was growing by leaps and bounds.
From across the room, Brady tracked me like a hawk while I made small talk with the women. It was obvious to see how much he adored me. Probably as obvious as it was to see, I felt the same about him.
“Champagne for the bride-to-be.” Ben handed me a glass and kissed my cheek. “Congratulations, darlin’. We’re so happy for you and Brady.”
“Thank you so much. I figured it was time to let him catch me.”
Ben chuckled as he passed out glasses.
“Hell, yeah. I’d been chasing you for years, baby.” Brady stalked toward me. “I’m grateful you finally showed me mercy.”
“I tried to help you,” Hope told him. “But you know Mercy. Nobody can make her do anything.”
“I respect the hell out of her for just that. She only does what she believes is right and goes after what she wants. Prais God it’s me she wants.” Brady raised his glass. “To my woman, my gorgeous fiancée, Mercy. She was worth the wait… and sometimes agony when she rejected me.”
The crowd laughed and shouted congratulations. The evening unfolded as I’d expected. We drank champagne and chatted about our small courthouse ceremony.
“How about having a fancy steak dinner at the casino?” Levi asked.