“You can ask me anything.” I took her hand and led her to the leather sofa, where we could cuddle and eventually make love on.
“Will you ever stop being a biker?”
“No, baby, I won’t. But you need to know, my position in the club isn’t like the others. I’m their doctor. Ben and Lady M put me through med school to be their personal physician. Rarely do I join them when they take down drug dealers or rescue people from traffickers.” I watched her process my words and prayed she wouldn’t give back the engagement ring.
“I get the other guys aren’t like the ones who killed Noah. Since Hope married Levi, I’ve gotten to know that family better. But I still get triggered when I see the leather cuts and hear the motorcycles.”
“That’s totally understandable and expected. You have trauma, probably PTSD. Therapy and time will help heal both.”
“I know, and I have talked to a therapist. But what happens if I freak out when we’re together and I push you away? Or worse. I could leave you.”
“Not gonna happen, Mercy. I will help you through your episode. That’s all it is, you know? A short-term episode and now that I know what’s the cause of your behavior, I will never let you go, baby.”
“I love you so much, Brady Hayes.” She launched herself into my lap and kissed me wildly. “Make love to me.”
I put her on her back and undressed her. Her sweater and leggings were tossed onto the floor, and like a good, obedient girl, she wasn’t wearing underwear.
“Brr.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “Better hurry and get on my level of nakedness. It’s cold.” She shook on the sofa. “I hear the winds picking up.”
“We’ll be buried by morning.” I kicked off my jeans and gripped my cock, giving it a few light strokes just to watch Mercy drool.
“That’s fine. But right now, I wantyouburied in me. Come here, Doctor Hayes.” She reached her hand out to me and opened her legs. “I want it slow and deep. Smash me against the leather with your muscly body.”
“Jesus, you turn me on.” I smothered her as she’d requested and entered her warm heat with a slow, deep thrust.
We melted into one being, kissing and loving. In all my years of being a single man, this was what I’d always wanted. A woman to love and protect, a genuine person with scars and who’d experienced loss like me.
“I claim you, Mercy Kolter. You’re mine.”
“And you’re mine.”
“Hell yes.”
I made love to my woman with the warmth and glow of the hearth beside us, and the first tree Mercy had decorated in more than a decade. I’d make sure she never went through another year without Christmas.
Good-bye, Grinch Mercy.
The winds last night were loud and strong, and they had created a five-foot tall drift against the front door. I was confident Brady could dig us out, but why would we want to return home when we were still celebrating our engagement?
I’d be just fine, tucked away in his cabin and hidden from the world for a long time. Maybe not for forever, but the time we’d had together brought us closer and for that, I was grateful Mother Nature had dropped a foot of snow on us.
Except, for one thing… We’d lost power and Brady’s generator wasn’t working right. I was plenty warm by the hearth, but cooking on an open fire wasn’t something I knew how to do. Brady, on the other hand, moved about like a pro as he cooked bacon and eggs for us.
“Are you sure I can’t help with something?”
He peered over his shoulder and smiled. “No, baby. You stay put. Wouldn’t want you to catch fire while wrapped in the down comforter. I’m almost finished.”
“Okay.” I scanned the small space, wholly at peace and filled with joy. The Christmas tree. The rustic log walls. The smell of bacon and the sight of my man… This right here was heaven on earth.
“I have one more surprise for you. I meant to give it to you last night, but we were busy with other things.” He stood and went into the kitchen.
“So, we’re calling sex,other things?” I snorted and watched what he was grabbing.
“Sure.” He brought a paper bag and sat beside me. “I can’t believe I almost forgot I’d brought this.” He removed plastic containers and took their lids off.