Who had broken the promise she’d made to herself years ago?This girl.
Perhaps I should’ve made a blood sacrifice the night I’d sworn off bikers. I’d learned firsthand that they were dangerous and took what they wanted and treated women like property.
But Doctor Hayes, A.K.A Stitch, in the Knight’s Legion MC, had pursued me for years. Slowly, he’d broken through my walls and seduced me in the hospital’s supply closet. Not just once, but many times.
When Brady was wearing a white lab coat and we were saving patients’ lives, he could command and demand from me all day long. He’d only been a doctor to me, a sexy as fuck doctor. I’d seen nothing else and had easily fallen under his spell… like so many other nurses.
But Brady Hayes had also been a member of the Knight’s Legion MC. It was safe to assume I’d gotten more than a little mixed up with the biker, even when I had tried my damnedest to not feel a thing for him.
I’d tried to resist him.
Tried to find him disgusting.
Tried to convince myself that he was bad news.
But in the end, I always went into the closet with him and now we were having a genuine conversation, the first since we’d started our sex only arrangement.
Okay, so maybe it’d been more than sex to both of us. Why did I agree to spend the weekend with him? Because I was a stupid woman in love with a man who was a biker.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I will make them pay for hurting you.” The anger in voice made me pull back to look him in the face.
“What do you think happened to me?” I knew what he thought. That I was raped, but I wasn’t.
“You were violated.” His baby blues turned a menacing black.
“No, I wasn’t.” I dried my face with my sleeve, trying to get my emotions under control. “You have it wrong.”
“Then what?”
“Eleven years ago, my brother Noah was murdered by three bikers in a cornfield in Iowa. I was forced to watch and would’ve been raped if another group of bikers hadn’t shown up.”
“Jesus Christ,” I whispered. “I’m so sorry.” He wrapped me in his protective embrace.
Feeling safe and cared for, I bared my soul to him. “He was only seventeen. I was fifteen. He’d taken me out for a chocolate milkshake. When we left the diner, some bikers wearing black leather vests were sitting in the parking lot by Noah’s tripped out Honda Civic. They mocked his car, calling it a cage and Noah a pussy.”
“Assholes,” Brady spewed the word and squeezed me.
I held onto him tighter than ever before. “When they noticed me, they called me a sweet piece of ass and asked Noah if I sucked his dick. My brother shoved the disgusting biker and told him not to talk about his sister that way. The bikers laughed and called him filthy for fucking his sister. I tried to get Noah to walk away. I tried.” A sob ripped from my chest.
“Baby, you’re not to blame for what happened to your brother. It’s not your fault.”
“I know. But it’s why I hate bikers and Christmas. After Noah’s murder, my parents moved us to North Dakota, and we didn’t celebrate the holidays. Christmas was Noah’s favorite holiday. It hasn’t been the same without him.”
“Of course it hasn’t, but do you think he’d want you to stop enjoying the magic of Christmas? He wouldn’t want you to stop living, sweetheart.” His words gave me pause. I’d probably heard the same arguments from others, but I couldn’t be sure. No one had ever gotten through to me like Brady.
I pulled back and stared atthe bikerin front of me. My heart fluttered like a love-struck woman as I stared at his handsome face. It should be a crime to be so fucking perfect and a doctor to boot.
Brady Hayes had blond hair, mesmerizing blue eyes, a razor-sharp jawline, and full lips. Below the belt, he had the most addictive cock, long and thick, practically able to split me in two with his violent thrusts. No woman in North Dakota or the entire Upper Midwest would have said no to his invitation to spend the weekend at his lake cabin. But he’d brought me.
He’d always said I was the only woman he wanted, but I’d been stubborn and hadn’t believed him. I was starting to believe him now.
“No, Noah wouldn’t want me to stop living,” I replied honestly. “But how I am supposed to enjoy the season he loved? He died because of me.”
“Oh, baby. There is no greater honor than dying to protect someone you love.”