At least they aren’t totally stupid. Only a fool wouldn’t fear Killian Drake.

Tetiana was pointedly not looking at the human, so the vampires weren’t prepared when she reached out and grabbed her, pushing the young woman behind her so the human stumbled into Brody, who stabilized her.

“Move along, you two. And if you want to keep your heads, I suggest you refrain from using pheromones on humans in the future,” Tetiana said, her voice cold and icy.

Green coat crept forward, and I felt the faint pulse of his powers. “You dare?”

This is going to get ugly, I realized.So how do I take advantage of my location?

Brody—still holding the woman—staggered back down the sidewalk far enough that he could glance at me.

I motioned for him to keep going, then I glanced down my block and took off running back in the direction we’d come from praying my idea wasn’t a stupid one.

If I can pin the vampires between Tetiana and myself, we’ll be able to take them out easily. I just need Tetiana to keep them stalled while I get around the block.

I measured my breath and minded my running form—I needed to be as efficient as possible—as I turned up a block, running parallel with Main Street.

I gained speed the longer I sprinted, my body settling into the practice. I slowed down only so I could turn the corner without skidding out and headed back north toward Main Street.

I screeched to a stop when I reached the corner and peered around it.

Tetiana was holding her ground as the two vampires leered over her, while Brody bristled behind her and kept an eye on the young woman.

I ran again—this time opting for stealth over speed.

While vampires had better hearing and sight than humans, they weren’t nearly as good as werewolves so they were easier to sneak up on—especially with vamps as arrogant as this pair.

They weren’t evenlisteningfor a surprise attack!

“You can’t even dream of standing up to the likes of us—you are afreshvampire.” Green coat licked his lips like a creep and started leaking enough pheromones to tickle my nose.

Pheromones didn’t work on slayers, but I could still sense them.

I slowed down as I fell into the range I wanted to be in, carefully drawing my handgun and one of my daggers. I had to adjust my grip on both weapons—it felt a little awkward, but I needed to threaten both vamps at the same time.

Meanwhile, blue coat stepped even closer to Tetiana. Tetiana backed up or their chests would have bumped.

Tetiana briefly met my eyes—confirming she saw me—before she scowled up at the vampires. “Stop it,” she snapped.

Behind her, the pheromones must have started setting in on Brody because he blinked slowly, then shook his head like he was trying to clear it.

“Why should we?” Green coat asked. “It was you who interrupted our hunt.”

“If you cannot enforce the laws you parrot, why should we listen?” Blue coat grabbed Tetiana’s wrist.

I need to move—now!



Iheld my breath as I raised my weapons pressing them into the vampires’ backs with force so they’d feel it. “Back off.”

“Whatinsolence,” Green coat snarled.

They whirled around faster than my eyes could track, but I matched their movements ending with my gun pressed into blue coat’s jaw and the edge of my dagger resting against green coat’s throat with just a touch of pressure so the weapon broke his skin.

The pair gaped at me, their eyes flicking from my task force uniform to my slayer standard gloves and mask.