While he usually was all smiles and charm without anything deep—a more polite way of brushing humans off—as he stared at the brick wall, I could see the years in his eyes.

Maybe he’s older than I realized…but the only vampires able to hide their power like this would have to be older than a millennium, and none of them would be kicking around Magiford trying to blend in with humans.

Maybe I’d been away from my family too long, and I was finally starting to get swayed by his handsome vampire looks even though I should be immune to any pheromones he was giving off.

Dad warned me that nothing good came from a slayer trying to separate from their family.

“My word, here I am prattling on like those old windbag elders, how embarrassing,” Connor laughed again—this time there was no accompanying glimmer of amusement in his eyes. “I wish you luck in your endeavors, Jade.”

“Thanks,” I said, pausing in front of my apartment door. “I hope you have a good day.”

Connor’s smile was perfect—showing just a hint of teeth to make his pronounced canines dazzling and not intimidating. “Of course. You as well,” he said, every bit of polish and charm back in place. He winked at me, then ambled towards the stairwell.

I studied his back as he ambled off, every piece of his posture was carefree and casual.

The way he’d spoken…that didn’t feel like a lie.

“Hey, Connor,” I called out before I even realized what I was doing.

Connor paused on the top step of the stairway and swung around to face me. “Yes?”

“Doyouwant to go to the fall market?”



Connor hadn’t been on my list of targets—since he was a vampire, I was already pretty natural with him so it wouldn’t stretch my skills to talk with him. But my shortcomings weren’t a good enough reason to not be friendly.

And Connor was a vampire in a building full of humans that he wasn’t hunting. If anyone was alone, it was him.

The amusement was back in Connor’s eyes. “You are invitingme? Is it because every other being in this apartment building has refused you or are you really that stupidly polite?” He made a show of casually adjusting the gold ring with the red garnet he wore on his right index finger.

“It’s a genuine invitation,” I said.

Connor slowly left the stairs, swaggering in my direction. “Then don’t tell me you’re one of those humans who aims to become a donor?”

“Not even close,” I snorted at the idea. “I’m going to the market regardless of whether you’re coming with or not, and Ido notconsent for you to drink my blood,” I made sure I held his gaze so he knew I was serious.

Hehadto take me seriously. His life depended on it.

As a vampire slayer, my blood was pure poison to vampires—it was one of our natural defenses. We smelled like an average human so a vampire wouldn’t be able to separate our blood from that of the masses. We lured them into biting us, and they’d instantly die.

Our poisonous blood is also why traditionally we coated our weapons with our blood. A vampire might not be stupid enough to drink from a slayer in full slayer gear as they were well aware of what we were capable of, but if we could land one slice on them with a coated weapon it was all over.

I didn’t follow that practice now—the risk was too great to Tetiana and Clarence—besides, the Curia Cloisters didn’t really want us murderizing when we were meant to subdue, and the nature of my blood meant death or nothing.

Connor tipped his head back and narrowed his eyes at me. I got the feeling he was weighing out the situation internally as several long seconds passed.

“Okay,” he said abruptly.

“Okay meaning…you’ll come?” I asked.


I straightened up, cheered by his acceptance—it is very hard to get as many rejections as I had this morning and still feel good about the day. “Great! Let me grab my bag, and then we can head out!”

Connor bowed gallantly. “I shall await your return.”