“Originally her Magiford trip was shorter, now she’s here for another month? That’s a big change for a supernatural dragon shifter, who depends on her hoard for her power.”

That was why dragons were so possessive of their hoards—they gave them power—and why they had multiple hoards. They needed a hoard to repower themselves if they expelled a lot of magic.

“Also, she seemed very interested in what the department will do with Orrin,” I added.

“He did steal from her,” Sarge pointed out.

“Or she’s pretending he stole from her,” Captain Reese grunted, leaning back in her chair. “But I didn’t see any substantial proof of that—did you, Blood?”

I shook my head. “No. Except Orrin said something about hehadto finish the attack tonight. That seems to imply the timing was important for some reason.”

“A solid point,” Captain Reese said. “As it stands, Gisila is suspicious enough that we should keep an eye on her and continue to treat her as a suspect.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Reese exhaled and flopped back in her chair. “Ugh—no one warned me this job would be so much political pandering and busy work. I thought I’d get out in the field more often.”

“Youdoget out in the field,” Sarge told her. “When you’re not supposed to.”

“That wouldn’t happen if everyone just let me go,” Captain Reese complained. She winked at me to show me they were teasing. “You can go, Blood. Take a break before you head back to your desk. I’m sure someone in the department will have five thousand additional questions for you after reading your report.”

“Thank you, Captain. Sarge.” Still a little confused as to why I’d been included on the talk with Gisila, I gratefully slipped out of the office.

Forget having problems socializing, I’m terrible at reading situations. Maybe the research paper isn’t so terrible. While researching it, I can see if there’s protocol for making task force members who need social training sit in on meetings or something.

Shaking my head I headed down the hallway, freezing when I passed an evidence room.

“Shoot,” I said, as I stared at the door, reminded of my friend. “Sunshine is going to kill me when she finds out about tonight.”

* * *

I lickedmy lips and glanced at my dimmed laptop screen, which cast an eerie green glow on my surroundings. It was the only light in my closet—I didn’t even have my bedroom light on.

I’d pulled all my curtains and turned off every light in my apartment before climbing in here. This was a little drastic even by normal slayer measures, but it had been a long night, and after the feeling Gisila gave me, I wanted to confirm who at leastoneof my enemies was.

Still, as I stared at the login screen of the Slayer Online Database, I wondered if this was a good idea after all.

I need to figure out who Ruin really is. If he has a power so legendary, we slayers thought it didn’t exist anymore…I need to find out.

I gulped and rapidly typed in my ID and password, pausing with my finger hovering over the enter key.

Here goes nothing.

I hit enter. My screen blinked as it loaded before it showed me the welcome screen to the Slayer Online Database and a search bar.

The Slayer Online Database was a secret list of vampires we slayers kept. It contained information about Families, and a record of every vampire elder in existence.

As a slayer, I was sworn to keep the database a secret. It contained knowledge that had taken generations of slayers to compile, and years and years to upload. If the vampires realized we had such records, they’d stop at nothing to destroy them.

I used the navigation menu on the left side of the screen to get to the advanced search screen I needed.

I have to be fast. Dad is going to get a notification that I logged on…and he’s going to wonder why.

Technically, when I’d come to Magiford, I’d left the O’Neils and lost my slayer privileges. I had a hunch, though, that if I was quick, Dad would turn a blind eye to it.

“At least, that’s what I hope.” I batted at the sleeve of a blouse hanging from the rack above me, the comforting smell of the fabric softener I used on my clothes filling my nose.

Selecting the elder catalogue—the records we had of every vampire elder in existence—I started narrowing my search terms.