“Yes,” Sarge agreed. “Lady Gisila has been called, and she’s on her way here. We’re hoping to see if we can get any information out of her.”

“So, there is a chance she really is behind it?” I asked.

“Personally, I’m inclined to think not,” Reese said. “Gisila would understand exactly what attacking her sister’s business would mean—it’d be an open declaration of war between them. But, as another dragon shifter, they’d be on a more even playing ground than a single lone fae like Orrin. Either way, I won’t rule out any possibilities as long as he’s not talking.” She nodded at Orrin. “Rudd said he’s not getting anything off him, either. Must be one powerful geas.”

Rudd was assumedly the werewolf, who would be able to sense any biological changes in Orrin—increased heartbeat, even chemical changes.

Werewolves were like Medical Service Alert Dogs on steroids with a bite force to make the most even tempered fae nervous, so it was pretty surprising Orrin wasn’t givinganythingaway.

Sarge’s phone beeped. He checked it, then stood up. “Lady Gisila is here. Come on, Blood.”



Confused, I followed Sarge when he left the questioning room. “I’m coming with? To see Gisila?”

“I’d like to see if your presence throws her off balance,” Sarge said. “She has to know you’re involved in the case given she saw you outsideLuxe Sejour.”

I glanced over at Captain Reese when she stepped into the hallway after us. “Your presence makes sense anyway,” she said. “You are our best task force member.”

People keep saying that, and it makes me deeply uncomfortable.

Either way, I kept my mouth shut—I didn’t want to sign myself up foranother“research” paper.

Gisila was seated in a chair just outside Captain Reese’s office with Grove and Tetiana standing nearby.

“Lady Gisila—thank you for coming by in these less than wonderful circumstances.” Captain Reese smiled as she bumped open the door to her office. “Please, come in.”

“Of course.” Gisila’s smile was polite, but it seemed like the light in her eyes was overly bright and biting.

Sarge followed Gisila inside, and I reluctantly brought up the rear closing the door and awkwardly standing in front of it.

The Captain’s office was a cozy room and a dead giveaway of her werewolf race as she’d decorated it with pictures of her Pack and sturdy wooden furniture that still smelled like varnish. It was painted a soothing green color that reminded me of a forest.

“A Cloister official told me what Orrin has done—the fae monsters he released on this fine city.” Gisila shook her head. “I almost can’t believe it—he was a wonderful employee.”

Captain Reese gestured for Gisila to sit in a chair before she seated herself behind her desk. “Did he act any differently once you arrived in Magiford or give you any reason to be suspicious?”

“He was eager to visit Magiford when I announced my intension to come here.” Gisila crossed her legs and rested her hands on her knee. “And once we arrived, there were times when I couldn’t seem to get in contact with him but that didn’t upset me. He’s my employee; he can have his own life.”

I—still standing awkwardly in front of the door—narrowed my eyes.

That seems sloppy considering dragon shifters are a bunch of control freaks.

“And you didn’t notice any of your treasures missing?” Sarge asked as he moved behind Captain Reese’s desk so he could stand next to her.

Gisila shifted in her seat. “No. Why?”

Captain Reese shuffled through the papers on her desk, then pulled out a photograph of the purple gem necklace.

Gisila leaped to her feet. “Mine.”

There it is—the famed dragon shifter possessiveness.

I studied Gisila, taking in the anger in her stance—her clenched jaw and shaking fists.

“Where is it?” Captain Reese asked.