What do I do if he doesn’t show?

The snake hissed behind me, and I turned up the alleyway I’d been waiting for. I wove through trash and recycling bins, a moped, and a rack of bicycles.

The snake plowed through it all, though it slowed down a little. By the time I came shooting out of the alleyway and into the street, I’d gained a bit of ground.

My boots barely touched the street sidewalk when something grabbed my right arm and dragged me to the side.

I inhaled sharply, then calmed when I recognized the embroidered design on the black sleeve.Ruin.

“Slayer,” he said, his voice low and husky.

“Hi,” I said, taking in a gulp of air.

“You’re greeting me? Isn’t this a night for surprises,” Ruin said.

The snake shot out of the alleyway, passing us, and smashing into the brick building across the street.

Ruin kept his grip on my arm. “Dare I ask what you’ve brought, trailing behind you, into my territory?”

“A giant snake,” I said.

“Yes, I see that,” he said.

Across the street the snake reared up, stretching high overhead as it inflated its hood and hissed, flicking its fiery forked tongue.

“From the fae realm,” I added.

“You don’t say,” Ruin said. “How would I have ever known?”

“I thought you’d enjoy the entertainment,” I said.

“Nowthat’sa lie.” He cruelly chuckled. “You’re hoping I’ll get rid of it since your squad either can’t or won’t.”

“I’ll help you,” I said.

“Oh, I’mso sureyou will,” Ruin snarled.

The snake’s bad eye was towards us, and we were standing in the shadows so it seemed like it hadn’t noticed us yet. However, it was slithering in a circle turning in our direction.

If I can’t get him to attack it, this is going to get ugly.I gulped. “Are you worried because you can’t defeat it?”

Ruin turned to face me; his red eyes were the only visible thing in the inky blackness of his spelled hood. “I’m too old for your psychology tricks, slayer. Don’t even try it.”

“Please,” I said. “If we don’t get it under control, it’s going to be a disaster.”

The snake caught sight of us, its’ good eye locking on me.

Next to me, Ruin was silent.

Did I guess wrong? I’ve known he was crazy, but I had thought…

I cut the thought off and pulled my gun from my holster. “Let go of me.” I flicked the safety off—I was going to try injuring its other eye before I ran back the way we’d come—I couldn’t risk staying in downtown where more humans were if there was no hope of Ruin killing it.

“You can’t seriously intend to face it down by yourself?” Ruin’s fingers slid off my arm.

I didn’t answer him—I couldn’t afford to waste the effort as I lined up my shot while the snake drew closer.

Do I have the stamina to make it all the way back to Goldstein?