Page 100 of The King’s Queen

“Hey, I was there downtown. You were nottalkingwith him,” Pat said. “Joy, back me up here.”

“Oh, after I met him, you were never in any danger of getting interference from me,” Joy assured me.

Pat scowled. “What are you talking about?”

“He’s out of this world gorgeous, unbelievably wealthy, anelf, and a king?” Joy ticked off her fingers as she recited the list. “Little brother, let me tell you, it doesn’t get any better than that.”

Pat uncomfortably scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, but isn’t he going to complicate her life?”

“He’s anelf,” Joy said with reverence. “She gets to date a real-life Legolas, except he’s even cooler! It’s a blessed romance.”

Pat made a strangled noise. “At times like this I can’t believe we’re related.”

Joy cackled as I tapped the wooden door to my bedroom. “This is my room,” I said before going down the line. “And then these two rooms will be yours. Look inside and take your pick.”

“What do you mean take your pick?” Pat opened the door to the first room and kept his eyes on me as he stepped inside. “A room is a room, isn’t it—holy luxury! Are thosesilksheets?”

“Noctus—through the work of Charon—is a very welcoming host,” I said.

“See?” Joy called in after Pat. “What did I say? A blessed romance!”

She waited a few moments then turned to me and spoke in a lowered tone. “I know we just promised to stay out of your love life, but if you decide you don’t want what the bond means—what a relationship with akingmeans—just say the word, and we’ll get you out.”

I blinked as I tried to process what she’d said. “Pardon?”

“I get good vibes from that elf king of yours,” she said. “He’s not a nice guy—he’s way too deadly for that—but I’m not against you being with a dude who could eviscerate any psychos who try to stalk you in the future because you’re the last known shadow or something.However. Just because Noctus is a fairytale come to life, doesn’t mean his story is the one you want. So, don’t be afraid to say something to us.”

I laughed, but Joy’s bluntness cut to the truth.

There was nothing keeping Noctus and me apart now. But our relationship didn’t exactly have a solid foundation. We were going to have to talk and figure out boundaries—and where we stood—before I got too caught up in everything.

I guess it’s just as well I’m not trying to hash things out with him right now. Noctus is charismatic enough to get me to let him press my toe beans when I was a cat. I need to be in my right mind when I face him.

“Thanks, Joy,” I said.

Joy winked at me. “Anytime, little sis.” She reeled me in for another hug.

“Joy!” Pat shouted from deep within the room. “You have to see this! There’s a fireplace in the bathroom!”

* * *

I was half asleepwhen I heard the door snick open.

Who? What?

I didn’t know what time it was—it took a lot of work to peel my eyes open and see the slit of sunlight visible between the heavy drapes.

But I was aware enough to brace myself when I heard feet trot across the carpets.

“Chloe!” Ker flung herself onto my bed, landing half on top of me and bouncing hard.

I tried to speak, but only grunts escaped my mouth.

“Good morning!” Ker sat up, her feet hanging over the side of my bed. “Charon sent me to tell you ‘home means training’.”

“What?” I pushed my sleep-snarled hair out of my face as I sat up. “What time is it?”

“Seven in the morning, Miss Merry Sunshine,” Aristide said.