Page 84 of The King’s Queen

“What is—no—whodid you kill?!” The Paragon’s voice turned angry.

Noctus stood up. “This is the half elf who has been trying to kill Chloe.” His voice was still extra deep and growly.

The Paragon didn’t seem to notice this. He planted his fists on his hips and puffed his chest up. “And so youkilledhim?”

“As I said, he was trying to kill Chloe.”

“He was a lead to the organization—”

“I don’tcareabout your personal goals and concerns,” Noctus interrupted, his voice even darker than it was before. “He was a threat to Amalourne, he had to be eliminated.”

“Amalourne?” the Paragon repeated. “You mean Chloe—wait,Amalourne?” The Paragon turned around, this time to face me. “Ama?You’reAma? And you pretended not to know each other?”

I saw the stirrings of real anger kindle in the Paragon. Instead of puffing up and getting louder, he seemed to draw in on himself, and his voice got quiet. “What is going on?” he asked. “And why are there otherelveshere?”

This is what I wanted to avoid!

Noctus ignored the Paragon’s wrath and stepped around him, drawing closer to me. “You stopped the spell—the one tied to the necklace?”

I nodded.

Noctus slid his gloved hands under my chin and gently tilted my head so I was looking at him again. “It’s still going?”

“Mmhmm.” I puffed my cheeks and pointed to my mouth. I nervously glanced at the Paragon. He was watching with narrowed eyes, still upset.

Oleander, having finished helping the humans, came trotting up to us, her manner brisk despite her ruffled skirt, heels, and ripped clothes. “Your Majesty, have you any orders?”

Her question made the Paragon’s eyes narrow further.

Noctus kept his hand under my chin, but he pivoted slightly so he faced the humans. “The captives?”

“Freed,” Oleander said. “And injured. They will require medical attention. I believe Pat Anderson is trying to decide if he should call the Cloisters for medical attention, or come over here to see to his sister.”

I had to stand on my tiptoes and peer around Noctus to see my brother. Pat was walking with a limp, and he’d found my cellphone, but he hadn’t dialed it yet. His eyes were stuck on me as he tried to make up his mind.

I shook my head at him.Wait, please.I motioned to my mouth, and again shook my head.I need to get Noctus out of here, and we need to get this spell taken care of first!

“We have to handle the forbidden magic the tracker cast before we can call for backup, or they’ll be gravely injured when they arrive,” Noctus said, echoing my thoughts. “We’ll destroy it now, taking advantage of the barrier the Paragon is maintaining to limit damage. Clear the area—have Prydwen get the humans a block or two up, then find Ker and Charon. They should be patrolling the borders.”

Oleander bowed. “Understood, Your Highness.” She jogged off, making a pit stop by Pat as she hopefully explained the plan to him before trotting on to Prydwen and the humans.

I was not so accepting of this idea.Wouldn’t it be better to take the necklace to Calor and destroy it there?I hesitated for a moment, then reached up, placing my hand over the one Noctus held to my cheek.

Noctus looked down at me, still wearing his helm. “You think it would be better to take it to Calor and destroy it there?” he guessed.

How, exactly, can he read me so well?I nodded.

Noctus slid his hand from my cheek, down my neck, so it rested on my shoulder. “No. I won’t risk you carrying that vile magic in yourmouththrough a portal.”

“She really is Ama, isn’t she?” the Paragon asked, his voice flat.

Noctus seemed content to ignore him, but I was all too aware that we’d need the Paragon’s help to get through this without Noctus, Oleander, and Prydwen getting discovered, so I nodded.

The furrows in the Paragon’s brow were so deep, Aphrodite could have stuck a paw in them. “Given context clues, I imagine there must be a great deal more elves that Noctusdid nottell me about based on that one’s conduct?” He flicked a finger at Oleander, who was leading the humans away.

That I was less inclined to answer. I looked up at Noctus and scooted a step closer to him.

A sigh leaked out of the Paragon, one that deflated him. “Fine,” he said, sounding simultaneously young and old. “Fine, fine, fine. We’ll handle whatever this wretched spell is, and then I want an explanation. What’s the spell?”