“Ah, that explains it. Book people are always clever. I’ll tell you what, just for that, I’ll give you a piece of advice for free.”
“Okay,” I slowly said—I wasn’t used to being treated this nicely by supernaturals. “Thank you very much.”
“I give all kinds of advice—fashion advice, financial advice, decorating advice, but in this case, I’ll give you romantic advice.”
I sucked my neck into my shoulders. “I’m sorry?”
“Get the necklace,” the vampire said.
I gulped. “W-what?”
The vampire leaned over the tabletop of her stall so she could point down the row. “Get the necklace you were eyeing up—for the man you were thinking of.”
“But, but,” I tried to jumpstart my thoughts, but I couldn’t seem to form sentences.
“Yes,” the vampire said. “I know. You’re scared. Relationships are scary things—you’re putting yourself in a position to be hurt.” She narrowed her eyes, then added, “Again.”
My eyes bulged as I gaped at her.Woah, she’s good.
“But then again, you’re always scared, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Yes,” I replied quickly and honestly.
“Good girl. At least you’re aware of it.” She nodded at me, her smile tinted with a hint of pride—as if she knew me, or at least recognized my struggles.
“And that’s the first step to getting over all my fears?” I guessed.
“No.” The vampire sighed, and the casualness left her voice for something that sounded sympathetic. “No, I’m sorry to say that your fears will try to rule you for the rest of your life.” She glanced at me again, her red eyes holding me in place. “It will be your lifelong battle to act despite all those fears. But just because you are afraid, doesn’t mean you won’t be victorious. Slay your inner dragons; get the necklace.”
With that, she picked up her book, put her glasses back on, and immersed herself in the world of Jane Austen, seemingly finished with me.
She’s right. I’m always going to be afraid—my shadow instincts will always have me two moments away from puffing up and running.
I stared at her “Life Advice” sign for several long moments, then looked down the row at the leatherworker’s stall.
But what if I didn’t just hope and wonder. What if…I tried to think of a way Noctus and I could be together?
I took one step, then another toward the werewolf’s stand.
This is insane. I’m insane! But…what if she’s right? What if I give up on Noctus, when there really is a way I can be with him—and Aristide, Ker, and Charon—and I didn’t even take the time to consider it?
I squared my shoulders as I reached the werewolf’s stall, the smell of leather filling my nose. “Excuse me, could I take a look at that necklace after all?”
* * *
I was waitingin the park where the Paragon had said to meet him, when an SUV with tinted windows pulled up to the curb, practically screaming “suspicious!”
I stiffened, until the front passenger window rolled down, and the Paragon popped his head out of the car.
“Greetings, Chloe Anderson! I procured us a ride—hop in!”
The invitation went against everything parents teach their kids about stranger danger, so I slowly approached the vehicle, reluctantly opening the back door, to reveal a leather interior bench seat, the Paragon sitting in the front passenger seat, and a big, hulking guy in a tailor-fitted suit and sunglasses driving the car.
I still wasn’t going to get in, until I saw the golden dragon insignia emblazoned on SUV’s dashboard.
The dragon—that’s the emblem of Killian Drake, the vampire Eminence of the Midwest.