Page 156 of The King’s Queen

My answer was softer and more solid than it would have been before I saw Noctus. “Ready.”

Shiloh winked at me, then started down the walkway that would lead me to Noctus. Armed with a basket full of charmed pink, purple, and red petals, her wish to be the flower girl had come true…though it seemed like my explanation of the role had fallen short and the elves had taken the title literally as wherever she dropped a petal, a flower sprouted up through the snow and bloomed, filling the air with a light, sweet smell.

Aristide patted my hand before the blood-shield—moving as one unit—started to follow behind Shiloh.

A small crowd stood between Noctus and me. Of course, my parents—beaming and teary eyed—were at the front, as was Ms. Booker and a bunch of my Book Nookery coworkers, and the neighborhood uncles. I even spotted French Fry, flapping over the terrace like the loon he was.

A good half of the crowd was made up of the Midwest Regional Committee of Magic and their entourages, as well as the Paragon—who had brought Aphrodite with my blessing.

I was vaguely aware of the music—a bunch of stringed instruments and a small choir—though I couldn’t have told you what the music sounded like; I was too busy smiling at Noctus.

Noctus stepped out of his spot and came to claim me before we reached the very front. Together we walked the last few steps, coming to stand beneath a wisteria tree that was blooming despite it being the middle of winter.

“Finally.” Noctus squeezed my hand, then raised it so he could kiss it—his lips brushing my fingers as he watched me with a gaze that was heated with love. “Finally, you will stand with me—as my wife and queen.”

“I just hope I can be worthy of the title.” I smiled up at him, keeping my voice quiet—this exchange was between the two of us, not meant for our guests.

“You aren’t having second thoughts about us?” Noctus cast a meaningful glance at the reporters and many cameras.

“Never,” I firmly said. “I might get indigestion thinking of politics, but I will never regret choosing you, Noctus.”

“Good.” Noctus stood straighter, satisfaction lining his voice. “And I will never let you go, Amalourne.”

We took our positions, facing each other. I paused long enough to peer over the low, knee-high railing to wave to the elves who crowded the streets of Calor Villa, then turned my attention to the ceremony.

The sun was setting over the lake, casting the terrace in a golden light, but despite the night air sweeping in and the snow, it was still a comfortable temperature thanks to the many braziers that crackled with white and blue flames.

By the time we went through the biggest Mors traditions and a few human traditions, the sun had disappeared, leaving the sky a velvety tapestry of starlight with swirls of teal, aqua, and purple as the elven version of the northern lights swirled over our heads.

“As shadow and elf have become one in bond and marriage, King Noctus—ruler of the Mors and Calor Villa—you may crown your queen,” the officiant said—we were again following the elven tradition of crowning me queen within our wedding ceremony.

My heart in my throat, I nervously smiled at Noctus as Charon appeared at his elbow, carrying my crown—which I hadn’t been allowed to see before—on a pillow.

Noctus removed the crown and held it up—for our guests, the elves, and the cameras to see.

“The crown, forged for Queen Chloe. It will serve as a reminder to all how she is treasured and beloved by our people, whom she will rule over with a kindness and compassion that we have never been gifted with before. May her reign be long.”

Noctus then turned to me, holding the crown out for inspection.

“It’s gorgeous,” I breathed, staring at the priceless tiara.

The crown was made of gold, forged to resemble branches and vines. The leaves on the vines and branches were made of white diamonds. One diamond hung low off the crown, so it would be visible on the top of my forehead while the rest of the crown would rest on my hair, but there was also one large jewel nestled at the apex of the crown. It glowed first blue and then white—much like the flames of Noctus’s magic.

Noctus’s smile turned just a little roguish. “It has perhaps a few finishing touches the public won’t notice.” He brushed the hanging gem with his thumb.

I laughed when I realized the jewel was a cluster, fashioned to resemble a cat pawprint.

Noctus gently nestled the crown on my head. It weighed a lot less than I assumed it would be considering it signified a major shift in my life.

With the tiara secured, Noctus took my hands and said in a raised voice, “I call you, Chloe, my queen and my heart. My power is yours, as is my kingdom and my life.”

Then, he kissed me—a scorching kiss that took my breath away and made me lightheaded with happiness. I leaned into the kiss, breaking away only once trumpets blasted from the villa.

“Long live Her Majesty, ruler of the Mors, Queen Chloe!” Charon said in a voice that pierced the silence of the snowy terrace and city.

“Long live Queen Chloe!” the elves thundered in the city below.

Our guests stood up and clapped, while our blood-shield unsheathed their weapons to salute us.