Page 96 of The King’s Queen

“Well…yes,” I said.

“It is partially because my greatest concerns are no longer valid. That stalker of yours croaking is not the massive loss I thought it was because of what I learned tonight,” the Paragon said. “I now know it was Noctus who took out that artifact ring—which, it’s always good to know who is active in your backyard, but also works as a testament that he is willing to help supernaturals. Given what was said about the fae who might be behind the current artifact trouble, I suspect the fae’s days of freedom are also numbered, and he will be another connection to the organization that I can question once Noctus catches him.”

“Oh.” I blinked, surprised.

Not that the argument was so valid, but because the Paragon had seen this and made the pivot in mere hours.

I always knew he could be dangerous, I guess I just didn’t know on how many levels. And suddenly I’m really glad it never occurred to him I could see through his glamour…

“But the biggest reason I am no longer uneasy,” the Paragon grunted as he tied a knot, “is because of you.”

I blinked rapidly. “Me?”

“Yes. When I first saw Noctus, I assumed he’d somehow put you under his power as well, and that he was the driving force behind all of this.”

“He is,” I said. “He’s the Mors King.”

“Ah, you missed the distinction,” the Paragon said. “Yes, he is the most powerful force involved in this delightful circle of trust we just experienced, but he is not the drive behind the entire situation. You are.” Finished with his preparations, the Paragon peered at me.

“Me?” I asked.

“Yes,” the Paragon said. “Noctus might have initially started things by choosing to adopt you without knowing what you were, but the truth is his decision to come forward, your relationship, and the elves revealing themselves are all because of you. You are not under his power; rather, he is under yours. I had some concerns he was trying to claim you in an effort to control the last known shadow, but it is abundantly clear to me that instead it is you who chose him. All that tips the scales to keep Noctus from being all powerful and untouchable, which means he’s a great deal safer to cooperate with than I initially estimated. Savvy?”

I stared at the Paragon, trying to digest everything he’d just told me. “I guess?”

I’m pretty sure he didn’t share this out of the kindness of his heart…which means this is a political move. One I don’t think I get.

It was just as well I’d come clean to Pat and Joy. Joy would understand the political undertones of this, but I’d wait to ask her for advice on a less traumatic day.

The Paragon crouched so his eyes were level with Aphrodite’s. “If you’ll excuse me, milady, might I remove you from your new favorite? It is high time we head home.” He gently lifted the sphinx cat from my hold, tucking her into the sling with practiced movements.

“I appreciate what you’ve done tonight,” I said.

The Paragon glanced at me. “I could say the same thing.”

“But I didn’t do anything tonight.”

“You have, but that’s not what I was referring to.” The Paragon tilted his head, and for a moment his eyes had that simultaneously young and old look to them again. “Not every supernatural would have refrained from peeling back my glamour. Most, in fact, would have done exactly that.”

“I already told you, it’s not my business,” I said.

“And you only mind your business?”

“I try to,” I said. “Staying in my league is a practice that has considerably lengthened my life.”

“You will likely have to question that if you continue your relationship with Noctus.”

“Because the elves are going to reveal themselves?”

“No.” The Paragon patted Aphrodite’s back as he gave me a pitying look. “Because you’d be aqueen.”

I was going to argue, until I realized what he meant, and my voice died in my throat.

The Paragon raised his eyebrows. “What’s wrong—cat got your tongue?” He laughed at his own joke, then paused. “I never understood that human saying. Do you know what it means?”

“Charon.” Noctus’s deep voice came from directly behind me, inciting a jump from me. “Please see the Paragon out.”

The Paragon smoothed his mustache. “Oh, I see how it is. I’m being pushed out, am I?”