Page 54 of The King’s Queen

I gulped and thrust my hands out in front of me. “Hold my hands.”

Rodaric had uncapped his potion and taken a swig. “What?”

“Just take my hand!” I hissed.

Rodaric reached out with his free hand and took mine. His female companion eyed me.

“Do it, Brevlanne,” Rodaric hissed.

“She’s a shadow,” the younger elf protested.

Ahhh, interesting to see not all prejudice is dead.

Rodaric went expressionless, and I could literally see his elfness click into place—replacing his happy charm with something chilling. “Brevlanne.”

The elf took my hand with a cringe, but kept her mouth shut.

I took a breath, and looked inward.Come on magic—I need you to work overtime! Make them as unnoticeable as me!

I held my breath. The woman pedestrian that had been eyeing Rodaric blinked, then turned to face down the road.

“Someone called 911, right?” she asked.

Another bystander who had been staring at the elves shook his head as if he was trying to clear it. “Yeah. We should probably leave—there are going to be police swarming the area.”

One by one the humans turned away.

I let myself exhale, but kept my shoulders bunched up. “Come on. We must get you to the clocktower.”

“I don’t believe it.” Rodaric let me bullishly drag him along. “They’re looking away. We’redesignedto pull people in—it’s been the biggest fight to just blend.”

“Don’t think about it,” I said. “It could break the effect.”

“But magic isn’t working right now,” Brevlanne frostily said, her disapproval palpable. “There’s some kind of block on it.”

“As I said,pleasedon’t think about it!”

“Is your magic shy?” Rodaric asked.

“No, it just does its own thing, and I can’t do much more than beg it to work. We’re turning.” I looked both ways before I hauled the pair along, my thoughts skittering through my brain so fast I could barely register them. “Are you two the only elves in that part of downtown?”

“No, there are at least two others.” Rodaric caught up with me, his voice hardening as he set his shoulders, his strides overtaking mine. “Oleander works in a store downtown—”

“A clothing boutique,” Brevlanne interrupted as she also started to nearly jog, which meant I had to run. “Lost Garden. She always opens the store.”

“She’s taller than you,” Rodaric began.

“Oh, that is such a surprise,” I grumbled under my breath as I struggled to keep up with the elves’ long legs.

“Long hair—blond in color,” Brevlanne said.

“By long, she means quite long,” Rodaric explained. “Past the small of her back—you’ll be able to pick her out of the crowd.”

I blinked in surprise at the assumption I’d need to find her, and then realized he was right. They couldn’t go get this Oleander, or any of the other elves. They needed to get out of the area before any supernaturals saw them.

Hustling like we were, it was a fast trip to the clocktower. We were only two blocks away when I heard the wail of police sirens, and I was willing to bet the Curia Cloisters task force was closer to the accident since Pat had been calling them when he left me.

“You said there were two.” I squeezed Rodaric’s and Brevlanne’s hands when I noticed cars were starting to roll down the street—driving away from the disaster. “Who else is downtown?”