Page 21 of The King’s Queen

It seemed probable, but it didn’t explain what he was doing here.

This was Noctus, he’d never do anything to risk exposing his people. Busting me, a shadow with a brother who worked for the Curia Cloisters, out of an animal shelter was thedefinitionof risk.

“Chloe,” Noctus said, naturally drawing my attention. He caressed my cheek, and the line between his eyebrows was still there. “Youneedto get more potion in you. Drink.”

Sorry, you’re right.

It took a lot of focus, but I managed to drink the potion. A couple times I dunked my nose too far in, but Noctus moved the saucer so I didn’t face plant.

I didn’t lick the saucer clean, but I drank most of it.

Since it was a lower grade potion it would take a while to heal my head injury, but my stomach was already starting to feel better. That went a long way in helping, even if the light in my studio apartment stung my eyes, and things still seemed to be moving while I was lying down.

Charon appeared at the foot of my bed. “I have alerted her sister, as you instructed. I believe she’ll be here shortly.”

“Then let’s head out,” Noctus said. “The SUV needs to be gone before she or the brother get here.”

Charon bowed to Noctus, then disappeared around the partition I used to screen my bed off from the rest of my apartment.

Noctus set the nearly empty saucer down next to me, then stood up.

I peered up at him, my head lolling.

I have to thank him. Can I change back?

I reached for my human form, but the pain in my head was so overwhelming I had to shut my eyes again.

“Be more careful in the future, Amalourne,” Noctus said, his voice deep and rolling.

I peeled my eyes open just in time to see him start to walk away.

Wait, thank you! Thank you for the rescue, for coming for me. I never thought I’d see you again, and I know this was dangerous. Thank you.

I meowed.

It was such a stupid thing, but I didn’t know what else to do.

Noctus froze, his back facing me. I could see his shoulders tense the longer he stood there.

Shoot, you don’t get it. I’m saying thank you—it’s okay!

I tried to struggle out of the blanket burrito he’d wrapped me in, but I was too weak. So I settled for purring.

Noctus continued to stand with his back to me for several long moments. Eventually, he placed a hand on the wall. I saw the tendons in his hand flex as he clenched it.

It’s okay, Noctus. I know you have to go.

I didn’t have the collar anymore, but hopefully Noctus knew my purrs well enough to realize what I was trying to say.

Noctus pushed off the wall and disappeared around the partition. A moment later my apartment door shut.

I closed my eyes—the sour feeling in my stomach was entirely gone and had been replaced by a bubbly sensation.

I’m home. I’m safe. I just have to rest until the potion kicks in. I survived…because of Noctus.

* * *

“Here, drink this one, too.”Pat shook a bottled fae potion in my face. This one was green, and I was pretty sure Pat had swiped it from his work at the Curia Cloisters.