Page 157 of The King’s Queen

French Fry—sitting proudly in the wisteria tree with the handful of cats my presence had summoned—cooed and dropped bits of a shredded fast food paper bag.

I smiled as I waved first to our guests, then turned to address the elves in the city.

Now, time for my royal vows.

“I thank you—elves of Calor Villa—for placing your trust in me,” I shouted once the cheers subsided. “I vow, as queen, to protect you with my every breath, to be worthy of the power and faith you have entrusted in me, and to stand between you and your enemies—not just as queen, but as a shadow and wielder of Destruction!”

I extended my hand and barely had to think of Noctus’s magic before the white magic encircled my wrist and Truck solidified in my hand—since I’d first managed to call him out, he’d become overly eager in answering any summons.

Smoke surrounded me, replacing my wedding gown with Destruction’s dark armor, run through with veins of gold magic.

At my side, Noctus pulled a weapon of his own—his crystal sword—also taking on magic armor.

Standing together, the two of us hummed with a magic power I could feel in my bones.

“Ready to end it?” I whispered to Noctus.

“At your leisure,” Noctus said.

I raised Destruction over my head, smiling when I saw the rivets in my gauntlets—the weapon, in its own statement of delight, had made every rivet in my armor into a tiny stamped pawprint design.

As if sensing my attention, Destruction’s jewels glittered, and it cooed its now familiar and happy “woo-woo” noise at me.

I affectionately patted the pole of the weapon, then turned my attention to the elves below.

“May the glory of Calor grow,” I shouted. “May the kindness of the elves be known throughout the world!”

I swung Destruction down. The scythe exploded with magic, sending a ripple of power slicing through the sky, cutting a path across the top of the city like a falling star.

Noctus raised his sword, but instead of loosing an attack of his own as we had planned, he spoke.

“Let it be known,” he began, “that in crowning Queen Chloe, we, the elves of Calor Villa, are accepting her as our own, which means we accept her family—human and shadow alike.”

What? This wasn’t part of the ceremony?

Slightly confused, I lowered Destruction, leaning the scythe’s curved blade against my shoulder before I patted it like I would comfort a small child.

Noctus continued, “The gates of Calor Villa will be open to any shadow who seeks refuge. Your enemies shall be our enemies, and we will protect you with every drop of blood in our veins, with all the ferocity of our kind.”

Out in the streets, the elvesroared.

Not the cheers of approval they’d made when Noctus and I had kissed, but something far fiercer and much closer to a war cry.

Noctus turned so he looked directly at the cameras, and I finally realized why he’d been so insistent along with Joy that we livestream our wedding—because he was issuing a challenge to the world.Stop hunting the shadows, or else.

“If ever a shadow has need of protection, come to Magiford, find Calor,” Noctus said. “We will protect you, and wipe outanywho would seek to harm you.”

The air was filled with a metallic chorus, and it took me a moment to realize that the elves—every last one of them—were unsheathing weapons, holding them aloft so they stabbed the sky.

“Calor!” they yelled, their promise bouncing off the mountain and echoing over the city with a strength that felt like it imprinted the entire valley.

My throat ached, and I nearly cried.

In less than a year, I’d gone from being an outcast—a supernatural so low that I had to hide from others or I’d risk getting roughed up with no one to help me—to being part of a people who accepted me, who rejoiced in the oddities of my magic.

I’ve been dreading becoming queen, but I should have been looking forward to it. They accept me. I’m not alone anymore.

The air felt full with magic, and in that moment I heard the song of wild magic—a quiet hum of pleasure arced through my heart.