Page 44 of Midnight Magic

“That raging bitch! When I get my hands on her—”

“She’s dead,” I said, cutting her off. I was grateful my voice didn’t shake. Truly, I hated Lexi, but the rush of power had been intoxicating, and I hated that it felt like that. Taking a life should never feel good, but it had. “I killed her.”

Lily’s eyes were wide as saucers as she looked me over. It’d been hours since the battle had ended, but still I wore my blood-stained clothes, not ready to head back toward my cabin. When I’d kicked everyone out, Callan had left begrudgingly, and I had no doubt he’d gone back to my cabin instead of his. I wasn’t quite ready to be alone with him yet.

I’d barely become accustomed to the whole idea of having mates, and now I found out I had a true mate, who was connected to my soul. I should be happy, and I was, but I was also nervous. What if all the feelings I’d been having for Callan had only been because of the bond? And what did this mean for us? I wasn’t ready to jump in, settle down and get married and pop out little panther babies. We hadn’t even said we loved each other yet.

“That’s badass.”

“No, Nia is badass. You’d be six feet under right now if we didn’t have her.”

“She is, isn’t she?” The wistfully dreamy expression on her face almost made me gag, but I was happy for her. What was happening between them was natural, it was easy. It wasn’t back and forth, fire and ice. She cleared her throat, and I reached over, handing her the cup of water that was a bit out of her reach. “Is Callan okay? They were mates.”

A blush creeped up my neck as my words froze.


“Their mate bond broke when she died, and it seems we are true mates.” I looked anywhere but at her. “A new bond formed, and I can feel what he feels and vice versa. I think I hate it.”

“WHAT!” she shrieked loudly, making me jump. “Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!”

“Relax,” I told her, my voice hushed. “And also, we had sex.”

Lily’s mouth gaped open like a fish. “Like, just now?”

“No,” I rolled my eyes. “Before we got attacked. I was trying to sneak away.”

“I figured you might try to do something like that,” she said with a disapproving glare. “Well, I’m glad you changed your mind. We needed you. And I’msohappy for you and Callan. When’s the mating ceremony?”

* * *

Lily passedout again after about an hour, exhausted from her ordeal. Waiting until she fell asleep, I slipped out into the now darkness, tracing the shadows that lined the different buildings with my feet, in no hurry to get back to my cabin.

I was halfway there when I saw a large figure in a grassy opening to my side. Familiar red eyes glowed brightly as they watched me, and I trotted over, eager to delay my one one-on-one with Callan.

“You came back.”

‘Indeed, I did,’Varus spoke into my mind.‘Lithia is dead. The shadow beasts went for her first, while we were all sleeping. She couldn’t heal fast enough.’

My heart clenched tightly as the sorrow washed over me. Another one dead.

“I’m so sorry,” I told him. “I don’t blame you for leaving, by the way.”

‘Aura gave me an earful. She might have killed me herself if I didn’t come help.’His tone was bitter. ‘Not that I have much to live for anymore.’

“I’m grateful you did. You saved many lives.” I tried to steer him back toward the positive. I’d seen firsthand how horrible losing your mate could be with Elowen and Kai. I hoped the same thing didn’t happen to Varus. He was surly, and a bully, but I liked him.

‘You better get home, little one. The panther grows restless.’

I sighed, knowing he was right. It was time to face my fears.

* * *

The doorto the cabin creaked as I stepped into the dimly lit room. My heart leaped in my throat as I took in the room.

“Candles?” I choked out. “Where did you even find candles? I don’t have candles in my cabin.”

Romantic lighting emanated from the entire living room, an elegant candle perched on every available surface. The soft glow of their light illuminated Callan’s face with shadows from where he sat on my couch.