Page 75 of A Second Chance

Shaun climbs on the couch and lies beside her, his forehead against hers. It's a beautiful moment, and I can't help but feel moved by the love he has for his mother. Shaun's sniffles echo softly in the room as I kneel beside him. I tenderly stroke Scar's head, her peaceful slumber providing a reprieve from the chaos of the world. My other hand rests on Shaun's back, offering him a comforting presence in his moment.

"Scar," I whisper my fingers still caressing her hair. It’s hard to miss how beautiful she looks, even in her sleep. But her face is lined with worry, like she is fighting a battle in her dreams.What ghosts are haunting you, Tinkerbelle?I wonder silently.

Shaun leaves his tiny hand on Scar's cheek as if to soothe her in her troubled sleep. "Can you wake Mom up, Ricky?" Shaun’s whispers, and I can feel his pain. He turns his head toward me, his eyes brimming with tears. "I don't like seeing her sad." He leans over and plants a gentle kiss on her cheek.

I hold Scar's face in my hands and feel the warmth emanating from her skin. Gently, my thumbs stroke her temples, rousing her from her slumber. She blinks, and her gaze drifts to Shaun when he thrusts his face close to hers. I can't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Oh, my God!" She jolts up, mindful of Shaun's presence beside her. He clambers into her lap, locking his arms around her neck.

"It's alright, Shaun," she coos, returning his embrace and rubbing his back soothingly. "I'm sorry I didn't come to pick you up. I must've dozed off."

He pulls away slightly to look at her, concern written all over his face. "Are you sick?"

She shakes her head wearily and mutters, "Just tired, monster." Her hazel eyes meet mine briefly, revealing the lie in her words. It's clear that something is causing her to withdraw from the world around her. "Thank you," she mouths silently.

Shaun's voice is soft as he looks up at his mother and asks, "Mom?"

She responds lovingly. "Yes, monster?"

He sniffles and continues. "Did you sing and paint today?" My heart aches at the sadness in his voice. It is as if he knows when she feels low.

Despite obviously feeling down, she smiles at him and answers, "No, I was waiting for you." She hugs him tightly.

She glances up from their hug and catches me watching. Her eyes glisten with tears, a touching moment that reveals the strong bond between them. I offer her a small smile before my phone interrupts us, ringing insistently. I pull it out and show it to Scar. "It's your mother. You should take this," I say, urging her to answer the call.

"Okay," Scar says as she takes the phone from me, Shaun still clinging to her like a koala bear. She answers and assures her mother that everything is fine and that she overslept. After she hangs up, she hands me back the phone and gives me a small smile.

"Is there anything you need?" I ask.

"No, I'm good. I need to feed my monster, and then we're going..."

"To paint?" Shaun interjects eagerly, hope shining in his eyes.

Scar gives him a wistful smile, her eyes brimming with adoration. "Yeah, baby."

Shaun turns to me and asks, "Do you want to stay for dinner? Then you can paint with us."

I look to Scar for permission, but her expression doesn't give anything away. However, I am not going to refuse. I want to spend time with them, to get to know Shaun better. He has barreled into my soul.

"If that's okay with your mom," I say, never taking my eyes off Scar's face.

Shaun turns back to his mom. "Mom, can he stay? We have space."

I can't help but chuckle at Shaun's innocence and pure heart. Scar notices my amusement and joins in with a smile.

"It's absolutely fine with me," she says, turning back to her son. "Why don't you wash up, and I'll get everything ready."

Shaun nods eagerly. "Okay!" he exclaims before running down the hallway to the bathroom.

I turn back to Scar. "Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" I ask with a hint of nervousness in my voice.

Please don't say no.

"You're always welcome here.”

I breathe a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. I take a seat on the coffee table in front of her.

"Thank you so much, Ricky, for picking up Shaun," she continues, her words infused with gratitude and admiration.