Page 95 of A Second Chance

I nodded, and tears flowed down my cheeks.

Cole raped me.

I needed Maverick that night. I hated how dependent I was on him throughout the years. But I felt like the walls were closing around me, and I couldn't breathe, and Maverick always knew how to calm my nerves. He knew exactly what I needed. After the attack, I craved him but learned to handle the anxiety alone over the years. After Shaun was born, he became my lifeline. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

The room is quiet except for the sound of Gemma's voice and the occasional rustle of fabric from her movements. She sits beside me, her legs curled underneath her. Her eyes are fixed on me. "I believe him, Scar."

I exhale before speaking. "Me too."

"Well, that cat is out of the bag now. Do you think he'll say something to her?" Gem asks.

"I don't know, and I don't care," I lie. The truth is, I do care—a lot. But I don't want to show vulnerability or weakness.

"Yes, you do. Maverick and you are like Baby and Johnny—a forbidden love story."

I can't help but chuckle at her words. "It doesn't matter, Gem. He chose her because she was pregnant, and then he left to live his dream with her."

"But you always encouraged him to go," Gem reminds me.

I nod slowly. "I know I did, and I don't regret that."

"Babe, don't get mad, but after Seth died, you shut everybody out. And when Mav left to be with her because he knew it would be the right thing to do, you still shut him out. You didn't give him a chance."

I sit up straight, pressing my back against the soft cushion, allowing the words to penetrate my mind. She's right. I pushed him away. I couldn't bear to see him married to Skylar and raising a child together.

Gem scoots closer and rests her head on my shoulder. "I can't tell you what to do," she says, "but I will say this: you need Maverick. It’s like fate brought him back to you for a reason. You're his second chance, and he's yours. Now that he’s older, he can finally claim you as his own."

I chuckle at her words, but the sound dies in my throat as her tone turns serious.

"What do you think he would've done if he found out what happened to you?"

I stay silent, not wanting to think about the answer.

"You might think that you're not good enough for him now, that you're somehow tainted or damaged," she continues, her voice gentle. "But that's not true. If he knew what had happened, he would've dropped everything and come to you. To care for you. To love you the way he's always wanted to but couldn't. Because it wasn't the right time."

I sniffle and wipe a tear away, my heart heavy with emotion. "And what?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "Now is the right time?"

"Yes," she says, her voice filled with conviction. "It's the perfect time. He's here, and he's waiting for you. Don't let this chance slip away."

I close my eyes, feeling the weight of the day's events and emotions finally catching up, and drift off into a deep sleep.



It's Friday, but it feels like a Monday.

After walking out of the gallery, I'm back to working at Dottie's. Mallory hasn't contacted me since, and I don't expect her to.

And Maverick? Well, he hasn't stopped calling or texting.

"Mom, what about this one?" Shaun asks, holding up an Iron Man costume.

"Do you like this?" I hold it out to inspect it.

"Yeah! It comes with a helmet, too. See?" He shoves the face mask at me.

I laugh. "Very cool. If that's the one you want, let's go the check-out line to buy it."