Page 39 of A Second Chance

Mom opened the screen door and wiped her flour-covered hands down her apron. “What are you doing out here, sweetheart? I thought you were riding bikes with Seth and the boys?”

Mom loved to bake with all the windows open, including the screen door. The summer weather was mild for the month of June. It had been raining the last few days, so we took advantage when the sun came out.

“Kaleb and Mason are on their way. I was going to go next door and wait for them with Seth.” I tried to hide the excitement in my voice, but Mom caught on. Waiting with Seth was the plan, but being able to see Scar was a bonus.

“Ok, well, maybe you should bring Scar a cookie. I’m sure she’ll love it.” Mom chuckled and kissed the top of my head. Right as Mom went back into the house, the sound of a sweet voice pulled my attention in the direction of the house next door.

“Hi, Ricky!” Scar jumped off the porch and skipped toward me, swiping her crazy curls away from her face.

“Hi!” She was chipper and her soft voice revealed she was out of breath.

“Hey, Scar. How was camp?”

“It was awesome!” Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. The light breeze caused her blue sundress to sway back and forth. She played with the hem of her dress while keeping her bright hazel eyes on me.

I stepped back and reached into my pocket, pulling out a small box. "I have a gift for you," I said, handing Scar the box.

“You do? But it’s not my birthday,” she said, sounding excited and confused at the same time.

She looked so darn cute.

“I know. It doesn’t have to be your birthday for me to give you something.” Her smile grew ten times bigger than I had ever seen it as she opened the box. I bought her a beautiful necklace from the market, and I couldn't wait to see her reaction when she saw it. The necklace was a delicate silver chain with a small fairy pendant. I knew she would love it.

“Thank you, Ricky!” She threw her little arms around my neck. The force pushed my face to sink into her hair, which smelled like peaches

“Hey, man.” Seth walked across the lawn and slapped me on the shoulder. “What did you get from Ricky, Scar?”

"A necklace with a fairy," she whispered, clutching it against her chest like a prized possession.

"Scar, it's time for your bath!" Olivia called out from the porch steps.

Scar yelled, "Okay!" and ran to her house.

Just as Mason and Kaleb arrived at the driveway, Scar popped her head out the screen door, waving frantically and shouting, "Bye, Ricky!" her beaming face lit up the porch.

I waved back with a smile as Scar's beaming face continued to light up the porch as I watched her disappear inside.




Ishut the lights off in the hallway when there's a soft knock at the front door. I start to walk down the stairs when there's another knock.

"I'm coming," I mutter.

On my tiptoes, I look through the peephole, and my gut twists in agony.

What ishedoing here? I thought he was in LA?

I slowly pull the door half open, staring at Maverick Jace Callahan, looking delicious in a pair of dark jeans that sit on his waist and a basic tee that's snug against his body. Even though he looked tired, probably from the flight, he was still beautiful.

Ignoring the crack in my chest, I look into his blue eyes, which remind me of the sky on a bright, sunny day. "What are you doing here?"

He frowns. "You've been home for a few weeks, and I wanted to see you."

I scoff and glance away.