“No. You shouldn’t be doing this alone. I’m not letting you. We’ll get this cleaned up and you’ll feel a tiny bit better. Not much, but at least you won’t have to look at it and have the reminder.”
“Thanks, Mia. I appreciate you being here with me.”
“You’re welcome. I was coming regardless,” she said.
“Stubbornness,” he said. “Can I add that to your list of faults?”
“You can, but in this case it’s a good thing. Just like the good you do for people. You always said you were the Scrooge, but I think deep down you’ve given more than you’ve ever taken.”
“Doesn’t seem like it did me much good this time,” he said, sighing.
“One person’s actions shouldn’t change who you are or what you do for people. Just remember that.”
“Not like you’d let me forget. As I said. Stubborn.”
“How is Cal doing?” Brian asked her on Monday morning.
“Hanging in there,” she said. “Or as good as could be expected. We got the place cleaned up before they opened on Saturday. Then he ordered everything he could. I think a lot is being delivered today or tomorrow. He didn’t seem too worried about not having anything to sell.”
“That would be the least of it for him,” Brian said. “I’m sure it has more to do with the fact that he has to press charges against someone.”
“They committed a crime,” she said. “Eight thousand stolen and over forty thousand in damages between products and equipment, cleanup and repairs.”
“That’s what insurance is for,” Brian said.
“I know. It’s more the peace of mind that is gone now. How did you find out? Did he call you?”
She’d gone home yesterday afternoon. By the time the store was open with the staff on Saturday morning, Cal and she had gone home and taken a nap, then he went back out to take care of things.
She stayed at his house and got some work done and had dinner on the table waiting for him when he returned.
It bothered her to see him so down and out over what happened. Not the guy who was always happy and cheerful.
“He did,” Brian said.
“I don’t know him as well as you. Or as long. He’s not even angry. I figured that is how he’d feel.”
“No,” Brian said. “He feels guilty.”
“For what?” she asked, shocked. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I’m not sure what goes through his head at times. He was rambling a bit. I think he wondered if he’d pressed charges months ago if maybe that would have straightened Tyler out.”
“Or it could have made matters worse,” she said.
“I told him that too. He wants to talk to Tyler, but he hasn’t yet. They picked him up last night and he’s still in jail as far as I know.”
She wanted to be hurt that Cal didn’t share that with her. “When did he find out?”
“He called me around eight last night. I’m assuming he found out not long before that. You didn’t know?”
“No,” she said. “I left around four.”
She wanted to stay longer, but it was best for both of them if she left.