Page 5 of Angels Above

So though she was sweet on the eyes, he didn’t think they’d have much in common.

Not sure why he was even thinking that and shook his head to go about his day.

Better to focus on what he could control than what-ifs or things that would never come about.



“If you’ve got a minute,” Brian said. “Have a seat and I’ll fill you in on Cal and his many business ventures. You can let me know how court went too.”

“I’ve got time,” Mia said, setting her briefcase down. She was hungry, but she’d get a chance to eat at her desk in a few minutes.

She was used to being on the run going from one client to the next.

The fact that in the months she’d been here she’d been able to actually eat at her desk and not in her car or rushing between clients coming into appointments in her tiny office was a big improvement.

“Start with court.”

“It went well,” she said. “It’s so nice to have paying clients. Though they still argue, I’m finding they tend to listen when their money is on the line.”

Brian laughed at her. “Very true.”

“Patty and Greg didn’t fight this time, but I think that had more to do with me sitting down with Greg and telling him to let me do the talking.”

“Divorces are hard things when there is a lot at stake.”

“He’s fighting the alimony. He doesn’t feel he needs to make payments that high. I told him he might not get that wish. He’s fine with the child support.”

Her client was a doctor and his soon-to-be ex-wife had been a stay-at-home wife and mom for ten years. She was used to a certain lifestyle and though there was no way that Greg was going to support two households and Patty was going to have to get a job, she wouldn’t make as much as what she’d been used to having.

Their kids were six and eight and child support would end at eighteen with Greg paying for college. He wasn’t arguing any of that either.

“Sounds like he loves his kids.”

“He does,” she said. “He’d like to have split custody which would cut the support down, but he understands that his job would make that hard. He’d be paying a nanny or imposing on family while the kids were young. At the end of court he told me he was positive Patty was cheating on him and wants to know if it would make a difference.”

“Are you just hearing this?” Brian asked.

“Yes. I’m going to look into it. He said he has had his suspicions but now found out a few things.”

“What things?” Brian asked. “I know you aren’t used to these kinds of cases. We’ve got a PI on retainer if you need to utilize him. Make sure that Greg is aware of that.”

“I was thinking the same thing. No, I’m not used to these kinds of divorces and it’s a relief, to be honest. At least I know the kids are being cared for. That’s important.”

She’d spent most of her career in Philly as an attorney for a not-for-profit. She had more clients than she had time for and no one she could dedicate the proper amount of energy to.

Mia had been burning out mentally and physically. It was not how she saw herself when she went to law school and thought she could help people and advocate for the underprivileged.

She found it wasn’t fulfilling and kept her fingers crossed that working for Brian would still give her the gratification she craved.

So far, it had been.

“It is,” Brian said. “No regrets coming here?”

“None,” she said. “I’m busy. I love it. But I don’t feel like I can’t take thirty minutes to fully eat my lunch without it going cold.”

“That’s good to hear. No reason to get burned out.”