Page 52 of Angels Above

“That’s what mothers are for.”

She’d left Cal’s house a few hours ago and came home to do laundry and clean the house. She had some work to do too.

Cal had said he was going to the liquor store to get some work done. He had to check on inventory and order or something like that.

She figured the guy just never sat still or took a day off.

He’d joked about it once, but she started to realize that maybe he was lonely for a man who was surrounded by so many that seemed to love him.

She grabbed her purse and decided she’d go buy some wine.

It didn’t take her long to get there and she noticed Cal’s truck off to the side toward the back.

She went in the door and couldn’t believe how huge the place was. She had to figure out how to talk to Cal. She’d bet he wasn’t out front or in the store.

She was moving down a few aisles when she heard his laugh.

Turning the corner, she saw him talking to a woman. She hopped back to see what was going on.

“Cal,” the woman said. “You have to let me set you up with my friend. You’d get along great. I know it.”

“Bethani, I appreciate the offer, but I’m seeing someone.”

Mia let out a breath. She was glad he’d said something. She wasn’t sure why she didn’t think he would.

Nothing about him said he’d ever cheat or lie.

There she was again, looking for the bad and she was going to stop it.

“Well, come on now, Cal. Why didn’t I know this?”

“Didn’t know I had to announce it to the world. It’s not like I see you often. What has it been, a few years?”

“Not even a year,” Bethani said. “I hardly ever see you in here. I was just lucky to run into you now. So tell me about this woman you’re seeing.”

“And spoil the surprise?” Cal asked.

Bethani laughed. Mia felt like an idiot spying as she was.

“Tell me, is it serious?”

Cal grinned. “It is to me.”

“Now I know it is,” Bethani said. “You never admit that. Normally you’re all about not kissing and telling. Can’t wait to find out about the lucky girl. Or if it doesn’t work out, then I’ve got a few friends for you.”

“I’m good,” he said and Bethani moved off.

“Well, if anything changes,” Bethani said, laughing after she stopped to turn and speak again.

She went to move away and heard, “You can come out now, Mia.”

She scrunched her nose up and turned the corner. “How did you know I was here?”

He pointed up to the mirror in the corner. She looked around and noticed multiple ones everywhere. “I saw you walking down another aisle and then not again. I know this store well and I figured where you were.”

“Did you only say what you did to that woman because I was listening?”

“No,” he said. “She’s a gossip. I wouldn’t say anything to her unless I didn’t care if people knew. Or maybe I wanted more to know. You overhearing it was a side benefit.”