For the next two hours she handed out candy to probably a hundred kids. Had to be more because Cal opened up another box of them that he had.
She was going to ask when he’d shut the light off. It was seven thirty and she had plans for the night.
“If you’ve had enough I can shut the light,” he said when he looked up and down the street. “I don’t like to shut it off if I think there are more kids waiting to come, but they look to be done.”
“You could just leave what is left on the steps with a note to take one each,” she said. “If you’re afraid someone got turned away.”
“Nah,” he said. “I might want some of them too.”
“I’ll take a few off your hands,” she said.
He locked the front door, shut the light and then put the bowl on the table in the formal living room.
“We didn’t have much time for me to even get a kiss,” he said.
“Now you’re talking my language,” she said. “If you’re up for it, I’ve got a change of work clothes.”
He grabbed her hips and yanked her against his body.
“Is that answer enough for you?”
Considering he was hard as a rock, she did get the answer she wanted. “I’m not sure why you waited so long.”
“The kids wanted their candy,” he said.
“No,” she said. “For tonight. I wonder if I didn’t bring it up if you would have.”
“I was waiting for you,” he said.
She found that sweet and not surprising at all.
He grabbed her hand and started to pull her to his bedroom, then shut the door.
“I’ve been thinking about this for weeks. Maybe since the first lunch we had.”
“Then you aren’t alone,” he said. “Could be why I was so mad at myself for the way I acted.”
“Let’s not talk. There are more important things to do.” And she didn’t want to run the risk of one of them putting their foot in their mouths.
There were other things she could put in her mouth. He could too.
The fact he reached for her sweater and pulled it up over her head fast said he had the same idea as her.
They were both reaching for the other’s clothing, shedding articles fast, the two of them doing the naked dance around his room until he picked her up and almost tossed her on the bed.
Mia started to laugh and realized that she might not have laughed much in her life when it came to sex.
She’d never been with a man that made her feel like Cal did.
He silenced her laughter with a kiss. One meant to scorch.
Her hips bucked up against his, the heat of his cock rubbing between her lower lips.
She was almost gone enough to let him in, but he must have realized what was happening at the same time she was.
They were just so in tune with each other.
He rolled fast, found a condom in a drawer and opened it. She pulled it out of his hand, nudged him on his back, straddled his thighs and rolled it down.