Page 38 of Angels Above

He wasn’t sure the last time he held hands with a woman. Probably high school. It didn’t feel juvenile to him though.

“All you had to do was ask for my arms around you,” he said.

He paid for their tickets at the front door. There were a lot of people there and they couldn’t get in just yet. “I feel out of place. Are we too old for this?”

“No way,” he said. “My parents used to bring me. They loved this.”

“Really?” she asked. “You don’t talk about them much. I mean either way, good or bad.”

“Not much bad to say,” he said. “They were great people. Both of them. They are together now.”

“You just have such a good attitude about it,” she said softly.

“As I’ve said many times, it’s not something I can change so why live in anger over it?”

They were let in and started to move around. The first snake that moved across the floor had her screaming and all but climbing up his body.

He actually picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His dick stood up to join the party even though he could see she was terrified.

When he started to laugh she slapped his arm. “Holy shit. You should have told me there’d be things like that. I thought there would be mummies or bloody people jumping out of places. Body parts. I didn’t think there would be fake snakes.”

She slid down his body until her feet were on the ground. “You knew they were fake,” he said. “Let’s go in here. The opposite room of the snake.”

“Knowing it’s fake and seeing it crawling toward me aren’t the same. I’ve got a thing about bugs and reptiles.”

“Now I know,” he said. “I’m good at being a bug killer. I’ll protect you.”

If he felt the need to protect her more than just from fake bugs he kept that thought to himself.

She bumped shoulders with him and they walked through the rest of the house.

Yep, she jumped and grabbed him a few times. Hid behind him a couple others, but never got in his arms as she had with the snake.

He was disappointed.

“Can we stop and get a coffee for the drive back?” she asked. “I didn’t think it was going to be this cold out today or I would have put a warmer jacket on.”

“Sure,” he said.

They went through the drive-thru of a Starbucks and each got a coffee, then returned to Paradise Place so he could show her his house.

“Does your throat ever get dry from all the talking?” she asked.

He turned to wink at her. “Nope. It’s how you find out about people.”

“So you can help them?” she asked.

“Nah. Just being nice. It’s good for business and contacts. I get that from my father. He had a way to get people to open up to him.”

“I can see where that would come in handy in his job. What did your mother do? You never said.”

“She worked at a bank,” he said. “In the offices, not in the branches. I’m not sure what she did. She moved around a lot but was in the offices kind of behind the scenes work.”

He still had all his accounts at those banks and when he went in, many would comment about his mother and how much they loved her. It made him feel good.

He tried hard to be like them. Or how they’d want him to be in life.

“My mother’s a social worker. My father is a professor,” she said. “Middle class though I know many don’t think that when they hear about our careers. My parents helped us with what they could in college. Caden actually got a free ride. Morgan and I have loans we are paying off. Caden has been good at investing our money over the years. I haven’t had as much to invest as my sister. I’m sure her loans are paid for.”