Page 49 of Angels Above

He didn’t know what to make of that statement and then turned to look at Mia and saw her flush. “What are you saying about me?”

“Not that,” she said.

He’d have to ask her later. He didn’t picture her as the type to talk about personal information like that, but he could be wrong.

“Why don’t we have a seat,” Morgan said. “Cooper has some snacks he was going to put out. Mia, tell us how work is going.”

“You’re just itching to return, aren’t you?” Mia asked.

“Soon,” Morgan said. “I told Mia I felt like a horrible mother that I wanted to return to work. She made me realize that I can be a mother and a vet at the same time. One doesn’t define the other. I give stay-at-home mothers credit, but it’s not for me. I just worked too hard in my career.”

“That’s good advice,” he said, looking at Mia. “I hope it’s advice she takes someday.”

“I’m sure if I don’t, my sister will remind me.”

“Do you want kids?” Morgan asked him. Mia was smirking at him.

“I do. At some point. Though I’m not getting any younger.”

“The same,” Mia said. “Someday for me.”

He wondered if that was a sly way for Morgan to get information that Mia might want. Though he didn’t understand that since he’d been told enough he never shut up and would talk about anything.

After that, they talked more about the brewery he was investing in, the animal shelter Cooper and Morgan ran, and Mia’s work.

It was a nice mix of conversations and he got to see his girlfriend with a baby in her arms and witness a soft side to her that he enjoyed seeing.

“Have you talked to Mom lately?” Morgan asked Mia.

“Not this week. We normally talk on Sunday. Just texting. Why?”

“She was asking about Thanksgiving,” Morgan said. “I know Caden and Sarah wished they could have come tonight, but Sarah was a little under the weather. They weren’t sure what you were doing for Thanksgiving.”

“I’m not cooking,” she said. “That is for sure. Who is?”

“Sarah is doing it this year since I did it last year,” Morgan said. “It’s us, Mom and Dad, Sarah’s parents and Harris, Kaelyn and the kids.”

“Harris Walker and Kaelyn Butler, with their kids, Scarlet and River,” she said to Cal. “But you know that, don’t you?”

“I do,” he said, laughing.

“I’ll be there,” she said. She turned to look at him. “Do you have plans? Can you come?”

“No plans,” he said. He wanted to spend it with her and it was falling right into his lap. “I’d love to go.”

“What about your grandfather?” she asked. “I don’t want him alone.”

“He’s not,” he said. “He lives in a retirement community now. They do a big Thanksgiving dinner and he likes to spend time socializing there.”

In the past he’d make excuses that he was busy so that his grandfather didn’t feel as if he couldn’t enjoy himself.

There was never any fun when it was the two of them for that meal and they’d normally go out to eat. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a home-cooked Thanksgiving meal. Before his father was gone most likely.

“There you have it,” Mia said. “Add two more to the list. I’ll make sure to tell Mom when I talk to her tomorrow.”

A few hours later, they were leaving Morgan’s house and driving to his not far away.

“Your sister and Cooper are great people.”